Why I Never Hide My Feelings

A poem

Dr. Shamaima Irfan


Beneath the masks, we are all bound by the language of emotion.

Because the heart, a fragile thing,
beats loudest when exposed,
unburdened by the weight of walls
and the suffocating silence of secrets.

Because vulnerability is a strength,
not a weakness,
a call to connect,
a bridge over the chasm of distance.

Because tears, like rivers,
carve new paths through the soul,
and laughter, like sunshine,
warms the frozen corners of the heart.

Because honesty, like a beacon,
guides us through the fog of doubt,
and authenticity, like a blooming flower,
brings beauty to the barren landscape of pretense.

Because to hide my feelings
is to betray myself,
to deny the truth,
to shrink from the fullness of life.

So I wear my heart on my sleeve,
bare and exposed,
a testament to the courage it takes
to be truly alive.

Thankyou for Reading.



Dr. Shamaima Irfan

RPh || Poetry writer || Author of Articles and Stories || Wordsmith extraordinaire.