Why I Switched — A Deep Dive into Roam vs. Obsidian

I switched from Roam to Obsidian.

Anshul Kummar


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As as soon as I discovered Roam Research, I was blown away. It's exactly what I wanted, but I didn't know I needed it.

The bidirectional linking is the difference between Roam, Notion, and Evernote.

This is the most prominent feature in Roam Research and Obsidian — sorting through unlinked references and seeing where you mentioned your page's topic in other areas. That is how original ideas and thoughts form.

It can be developed in a much more structured way that makes you such a creative genius as you are.

I've been using Roam Research for years, and when Obsidian came out, I requested beta access; I got it & poked around a little bit.

However, I was not too fond of a few things about Roam Research, so I wanted to keep my eye on it to see how those would develop the community and the people around that would form.

So let's jump to why I switched from Roam research to Obsidian.

Before I get started, I want to say they’re both incredible apps, they’re both compelling, and I don’t think one is better than the other.

This is Why I Switched.



Anshul Kummar

Writer I YouTuber I Productivity Enthusiast I AI & Entrepreneur. Connect with Me: https://linktr.ee/wordsmithwriter0