
Why I Will Never Tell My Friends I Am Writing

I keep it a secret to keep my authenticity.

Louis Petrik
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2021


writing as a secret
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Writing is self-realization for me.
I love the fact that people read what I write.

Also, I love my friends. With them, I can talk about things that interest me.
But the truth is, I don’t want my friends to read what I write.

Telling everyone what you are doing — In my opinion, this is a mistake that many writers make.

They tell those around them about their new hobby — and limit themselves.

Here’s why I keep the fact that I write a secret.

Secret readers mess up your text

I doubt that my friends would read all of my content.
Hardly anyone has the time for it.

Secret readers are much more about a problem in our heads, not about actual readers. I came across this idea in a book about writing.

When I write, there is no fixed “me.”
What I type depends on my mood, my energy, and my thoughts.

A secret reader is an image that a particular person will read my text.
If you know that your mother will read your…



Louis Petrik

JavaScript & Python. Figuring out life, one idea at a time. Unlimited reads: https://medium.com/@louispetrik/membership