Why I Would Have Also Voted “Yes” for the TikTok BAN.

Jerry Odogwu
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2024
Photo by Cotton Bro

As someone who doesn’t live in America, I believe it’s my God-given right to weigh in on the TikTok ban situation.

First of all, why is everyone hating on Senator Jeff Jackson? I think the man made some valid points in his TikTok video. Yes, you can argue that TikTok got him elected and popular. But then what happens if China (TikTok) “decides” the wrong person should win the next election? Just because China got it right with him the first time, doesn’t mean they’ll always pick a great guy.

And then there’s the issue of the Senate being racist. People have said some Senators were racist because they kept insinuating Shou (the TikTok guy) is Chinese. I say that’s a bit harsh. Is Shou from Singapore? Yes. Did he repeatedly state he is not Chinese? Yes again. However, I have been to Singapore and I can confirm there are a couple of Chinese people living there. An honest mistake that’s blown out of proportion. I say if he doesn’t want to be mistaken as Chinese, then maybe he should have chosen another country to be birthed. Accept some responsibility too Mr. Shou!

Some people have argued that it’s unfair for TikTok to face all this scrutiny; while Facebook and Instagram coast by. And to those people I say, Facebook has always been a company with integrity. Not once in their history have they been found guilty of leaking/selling data or manipulating the American people. it’s a clean company from the top to the bottom. Meta prides itself on customer privacy. Thus, I see no reason why they should be compared to the likes of TikTok. A company “proven” to be controlled by the Chinese. Focused only on brainwashing the American people (a staggering 10% of its user base).

The bottom line, America is doing what it needs to do. It’s the duty of the government to protect its citizens from the all-seeing eye of China. This is not about the U.S. stealing a private company. No. In her entire history, America has never been known to interfere in the affairs of private businesses or other countries. Never spied on anyone; friend or foe, citizen or foreigner. All the US government wants is fairness across the board. I put it to you that only a communist country would do such horrible things.

Sometimes the best way to ensure free speech is to restrict free speech.

