Stories Chosen by Editors

Featured Stories by Editors on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Editors’ choices are in place. We offer a unique curation and visibility service for storytellers on Medium.

ILLUMINATION’s Blogs Publication
8 min readSep 14, 2021


Stories Chosen by Editors Why ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications Feature Stories Editors’ choices are in place. We offer a unique curation and visibility service for storytellers on Medium. Compiled by Chief Editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz on
Image designed by Dr Mehmet Yildiz


ILLUMINATION is a unique publication established on the principles of collaboration, synergy, and serendipity. This publication and its sisters of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications aim to give an opportunity to every writer at any level to gain more visibility, new readers, and more reading times.

Keeping the acceptance requirements at a minimum, ILLUMINATION accepts every writer willing to contribute to the platform by adhering to Medium policies and guidelines. Apart from this essential requirement, the publication welcomes all writers at any level, from beginners to accomplished. Experienced writers support the new ones as a giveback service to the community.



ILLUMINATION’s Blogs Publication

Lead Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Cross-pollinating and supporting 31,000+ writers. Apply via