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Why Indian Parents Hold Back their Kids from Pursuing their Dreams.

Have you ever noticed that parents often worry more about what others think of their children’s careers than what their children are truly passionate about?

Sreevidya. A
Published in
6 min readJan 27, 2024


The way parents raise their kids has a big impact on what the kids will grow up to be. I’m not talking about parenting tips, but about bad parenting where parents don’t encourage their kids’ dreams and ambitions.

When kids start going to school, they begin to learn about the world around them and start comparing themselves to others. When they grow up and go to college, they start dreaming about their future careers. However, some kids are afraid to talk to their parents about their dreams because they think their parents won’t support them.

It’s sad that some parents still discourage their children from pursuing their dreams. But the truth is, if you have a dream, it’s important to speak up and go for it, even if your parents don’t agree. At the end of the day, it’s your life and you’re responsible for what happens. It’s unfortunate that in today’s world, we still have to talk about how disempowering begins at home.

Why is it a No-No to pursue dreams of their own?

  • Financial Focus over Passion
  • Pressure for Prestigious Professions
  • Comparison with Peers
  • Overprotection stifling Independence
  • Societal Approval as a Priority
  • Narrow Definition of Success
  • Fear of Failure

Let’s look deeper into the 7 factors:

Every factor mentioned above is entirely a typical Indian parents’ mindset that came from ‘traditional parenting which they experienced and made their kids also experience. Evolution doesn’t have any place here. They say that they have evolved but they don’t and don’t ever. Their parents have given priority to societal respect and they do the same and they expect their kids also to do the same for their grandchildren. So, it’s a continuous chain of parents from generations, thinking that they are continuing their legacy.

Financial Focus over Passion:

It can be quite challenging for an adult to pursue a career in the creative field and earn a high income. However, with passion and dedication, they can achieve great success. Support is crucial in helping them achieve their dream career. Unfortunately, some parents prioritize financial stability over their children’s passions and interests, discouraging them from pursuing careers that may not have immediate monetary success.

It’s important to remember that every career has its ups and downs, but pursuing a dream career can bring a sense of fulfillment that is incomparable. Encourage and support them in what they are capable of, as everyone’s dreams and aspirations are unique.

Pressure for Prestigious Professions:

Information Technology (IT) is a highly desirable profession that many parents aspire for their children to pursue. They often encourage their children to join the software industry, hoping that they will earn a high income. It is a common desire for parents to proudly proclaim that their son or daughter is working in IT and making a substantial amount of money.

Why do they don’t see the passion of their son/daughter? They just steer their children towards professions with high social status and respect, emphasizing prestige over personal fulfillment. No wonder there are more employees than employers. No wonder there’s still a high demand for an IT job even though they pay low salaries.

No wonder, people are getting into it even without proper certificates. No wonder job scams are mostly in the IT sector. That is why, please believe your kids and allow them to pursue dreams of their own. They know how to make you proud.

Comparison with Peers:

This follows from childhood. From school to work, there is a constant comparison showing neighbors, neighbors’ kids, and superiors at work to their children. Parents never know how kids feel when they compare them with others.

Every kid is unique, and so is every profession. Comparing them based on achievements is not fair. Pursuing one’s dream is the key to success in life. Many Indian parents struggle to understand this concept due to their upbringing.

No wonder many individuals are in a field they don’t love. Again, I’m going to take the IT sector as an example because many IT employees don’t like their work. Many IT employees are great writers, great content creators, great marketing professionals, and great business developers. They are in IT only for salary and for their parents.

Overprotection stifling Independence:

Indian parents are dedicated to ensuring that their children receive the best education possible, from their earliest days in school to their college years. By carefully researching and selecting the best schools and colleges, parents help to provide their children with a solid foundation for future success. Although it is important to consider a college’s reputation, it is equally important to explore the diversity of courses offered, as this can provide invaluable perspectives on career choices.

Some parents tend to be overprotective of their kids and try to steer them towards technical careers. However, these jobs may not always be the best fit for the person, and they may realize this after a few years of working. This can lead to a waste of time and effort in choosing a career. It’s important to allow children to explore different options and interests to find what they are truly passionate about.

Overprotectiveness can lead to delayed career settlement, which in turn can affect other important life events such as marriage and relationships, as everything is interconnected with money. Parents should consider the long-term effects of their decisions and allow their children to make their own choices.

Societal Approval as a Priority:

Have you ever noticed that parents often worry more about what others think of their children’s careers than what their children are truly passionate about? It’s as if the desire for societal approval and respect overshadows the encouragement of children to pursue their dreams. It’s sad to see parents prioritize societal expectations over their children’s aspirations, isn’t it?

But why is it so necessary for your neighbor or relative to approve of your child’s career? Shouldn’t we instead focus on respecting our children’s aspirations and supporting them in achieving their goals? Unfortunately, the ‘no comments’ questions are many because we don’t have clear answers. What do you think about this issue?

Narrow Definition of Success:

In India, parents often insist that their child should pursue either a government job or an IT job, without considering their child’s career choice or preferences.

Parents adhere to a narrow definition of success, focusing solely on academic achievements and stable professions, neglecting the diverse paths that can lead to personal fulfillment and accomplishment.

The world is evolving, and so are the professions. There is so much demand for art, music, writing, design, and many such creative fields. Isn’t it rude to say to your child that you follow my analysis for your career choice?

Fear of Failure:

A child’s failure is a parent’s failure is the motto that every Indian parent believes strongly in. They are more afraid to answer and face society if their child fails in their career.

Parents’ fear of their child facing failure will lead them to discourage ventures into challenging fields, even if those experiences contribute significantly to personal and professional growth.

In Conclusion:

The disempowerment of career choices among Indian parents stems from a traditional mindset emphasizing financial stability, societal approval, and a narrow definition of success. This mindset steers children towards conventional professions, particularly in IT, and discourages pursuits in creative fields. Comparison with peers, overprotection, and a fear of failure further limit career exploration. Breaking this cycle requires a shift towards recognizing and supporting diverse aspirations, acknowledging the evolving professional landscape, and prioritizing personal fulfilment over societal expectations.

Well, the points mentioned above are the downside of parenting only in terms of career choices. Everything has two sides so does parenting. Stay tuned for the upside of it in my next story.

Happy Reading:)

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Sreevidya. A

Pens about mental health, millennial experiences in Gen Z world, self-improvement, social media, & content creation!