Why Intelligent People Face Rejection — and How to Avoid Being One of Them

Choose your battles, know your enemies, and embrace an elitist mindset

Mentalcodex | Julfi


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Flaunting your philosophy to the crowd won’t save anyone.

On the contrary.

You’ll get into pointless arguments that lose everyone’s time. And eventually, people will reject you plain and fully.

I’ve been there too.

And here are the 2 major mistakes I wish I hadn’t done.

1- I Chose the Wrong Battles

Yes, you read it right.

There was a time when I would take on every battle possible to convince people that I knew things better than they did.

Sometimes, this was the case.

Other times, not at all.

But each time I was left with a feeling of disgust towards myself.

Because I knew I’d lose EVERYONE’S time.

I knew I had damaged the relationships I had for no other reason than feeling offended.

Life is too short for you to take on every battle.

And this is especially true when it’s emotionally driven fights.



Mentalcodex | Julfi

I write about power dynamics. It's implication in your life. And how to get the most out of it.