Why iPhone is Better Than Android

As a user of both devices, Apple is the clear winner.

Jordan Mendiola


Photo by Dennis Brendel on Unsplash

My very first phone was a Virgin Mobile touchpad phone and ever since then, I’ve wanted to own nothing more than an Apple phone.

In 2017, I took a chance on Android by purchasing a Galaxy S8+, but it didn’t meet my needs and just felt too “extra”.

I’m really glad that I experimented with Android because I’ve met people who are very convicted that Android is the superior phone. I disagree with the Android community.

Perks of Apple Phones:

  • It has an incredibly simple user interface that I’m very comfortable with.
  • The app store has nearly everything I could need to operate and work in my daily life.
  • iMessage is great because of the reactions to messages, emojis, and the very animated ways to send texts (my girlfriend knows this).
  • They’re aesthetic and maintain the continuity as each new generation comes out.
  • Anyone can pick it up and understand how it works inside and out — it’s not too overly complex for no reason.

Why Android didn’t do it for me:

  • It didn’t have iMessage and the features I absolutely loved.



Jordan Mendiola

Helping develop a better mindset for a brighter future. Covers army, content creation, fitness, mindset tips, and more!