Is AI Writing Software Good or Bad?

Why Is AI Writing Such A Touchy Subject?

Writing With AI Software Has An Up and Down Side To It!

Deon Christie
Published in
9 min readApr 30, 2023


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not everyone agrees with AI copywriting but it is not all doom and gloom
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What you will learn from this article.

● My personal opinion about AI writing.

● How I use AI writing software.

● Maintaining your sincerity and purpose.

● Some of the current best AI writing software.

● Why AI is the future in my opinion.

● Free stuff for my Medium subscribers.

My personal opinion about AI writing.

I read an article about how REAL writers will never use AI. And I can assure you, I have been a REAL writer since childhood. So on that, let’s agree to disagree. I used to be extremely anti-AI writing myself.

It took me quite a while to come to terms with AI software for copywriting. But not in the way you think, I can assure you. Because I use AI differently, and moderately. After being extremely anti-AI software.

Sometimes as writers, we do get to that point where it seems you have run out of ideas. This is where I value AI software for writing because mainly, I mainly use it for ideas.

In fact, AI taught me a lot about layout and writing more effective articles which attracts a lot more attention. Now I know that some writers may consider you a fraud for using AI, but please hear me out.

One thing I am doing a lot more these days is using bullet points, thanks to AI! It also broadens my vocabulary as English is not my first language. I often have to look up the meaning of words to understand the content meaning or message.

My home language is Afrikaans (A Mixture Of Dutch and German). Therefore, I use AI software to learn, rather than create all of my content.

However, I do agree that there are some plagiarism and copyright content concerns. I do agree because AI content is just a combination of already written content.

Which is why you want to edit and seal your writing style in there. I don’t think AI is all bad, but you have to be careful and maintain useful and informative content.

That said, I think AI software is neither good nor bad. It depends on the writer using it, and how they execute their activity with AI. I started getting into AI software out of pure curiosity and I am glad I did too.

Admittedly, thus far only 7 of my Medium stories have been done testing AI software for copywriting. My target is to do 10 such articles, and then see how they perform against those not using any AI.

I’m a research junkie, what can I say? And if you do not try something then you will never know. Besides, trying new things broadens your knowledge, and sparks new content marketing strategies.

How I use AI writing software.

I use AI by first creating a Word document (article template), then after keyword and search phrase research. I will then choose the title and subheaders. I then enter an extensive version of all titles and subheadings for AI search.

Like search engines, being as descriptive as possible is of paramount importance for the best results. I also prefer a bit longer description for proper AI software content search.

With this, I found that ideas to write about just started flowing. I often remember strategies and crucial knowledge that I often forget about. For me, AI “jumpstarts” that.

Once my search is done with AI software using the titles and subtitles. Which is the one thing I do not create with AI. I prefer the old way of using keywords and search phrase research tools.

Here are 5 of my personal favourites.

● Google Keyword Planner.

Tube Buddy.

● Keywords Everywhere.

● SEMrush.


I guess the purpose justifies the means with AI software. Unfortunately, many writers try to use it as a “magic content spitting tool”, pumping out quantity. So it all depends on the purpose for which you want to use AI software.

Not only am I using it moderately, but this article for instance is also all me. Not a single AI writing software tool was used in this particular article. AI content can be just as informative and tutorial of nature as any other content. That depends on the writer.

One just needs to use the right AI search descriptions, and I think this can be the point where many writers go wrong. You need to understand what you want to accomplish, and then learn to get the best from AI.

Next, you want to analyze the AI content thoroughly, do more research, and add more value. As mentioned before, I use AI more for learning, way more than for copywriting. In that, AI offers a lot of knowledge when you “read between the lines”.

● IMPORTANT TIP: I find that starting a search phrase with “explain in detail” delivers much more conclusive content with AI software. Making it easier to incorporate your own content. Using this phrase will allow you to learn quite a few things about AI writing software.

With everything you do online, every tool you use. You need to see beyond the advertised benefits of the tool. That is also how I have stumbled on several content marketing strategies of my own.

Maintaining your personality and purpose.

I kind of agree and disagree with some sceptical views around AI writing, I think it is more the manner in which it is used. If you are creating hundreds of (200–300 words) articles per week and flooding every platform, then you’re doing it wrong!

The point is to get ideas and then integrate them with your content, maintaining your personality. But also maintaining the kind of content your readers had become accustomed to.

For instance, I wrote a post where I had to include some history and background about Facebook. Instead of researching for hours, I had rather interesting info about Facebook rather quickly. Useful and interesting information.

Maintain the general purpose of your content, as you normally would have. By combining the AI copy with your own knowledge, you might just be surprised at the quality boost.

As mentioned earlier, I plan on doing 10 articles with a combination of AI content, and my own knowledge. A content marketing strategy of sorts, I want to measure engagement against my other (almost 200) Medium stories.

However, I still maintain my primary writing style, offering guides, marketing and sales solutions, and answering questions. With the help of AI, the guides, solutions, and answers are surprisingly more conclusive and informative.

Maintaining your writer's personality and content purpose also has a lot to do with your content layout. Admittedly, I have learned quite a bit about content layout with AI software tools.

Some of the current best AI writing software.

In my opinion, the below examples are among the best AI copywriting software I have ever come across. But please, never use AI content “as is”. Always add your own writing style and maintain your writing voice.

CopyBlocks AI.

● Chat GPT.

● Writesonic.

As mentioned earlier, in my opinion, AI software must be used for guidance purposes. It is not an opportunity to turn into just another copy/paste marketer. Never try to “fool” your readers!

● CopyBlocks AI — Copyblocks AI is a cloud-based artificial intelligence tool that helps businesses and individuals create high-quality written content quickly and easily.

It uses natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze a user’s input and generate unique, engaging, and SEO-optimized content.

Copyblocks AI can create content for various types of documents, including blog posts, product descriptions, social media posts, and more.

It is designed to save users time and effort by automating the content creation process, allowing them to focus on other important aspects of their business or personal life.

● Chat GPT — Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a type of artificial intelligence language model developed by Open AI. It is one of the largest and most advanced language models available, with up to 175 billion parameters in its latest version (GPT-3).

Chat GPT — This is designed to understand natural language input and generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses. It uses a deep learning architecture called a transformer.

Which enables it to learn from massive amounts of text data and generate human-like responses. Chat GPT is widely used in various applications, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and language translation services, among others.

● WriteSonic — Writesonic is a cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) writing tool that uses natural language processing (NLP) technology to generate high-quality content quickly and easily.

It is designed to help businesses and individuals create various types of written content, such as social media posts, blog articles, product descriptions, and more.

Users can input a topic or keyword, and Writesonic will generate a unique and engaging piece of content that is SEO-optimized and ready to publish.

WriteSonic AI engine uses advanced algorithms to analyze user input, understand the context, and generate relevant and coherent content. The platform also provides various content templates and suggestions to help users streamline their writing process and improve their overall content quality.

Why AI is the future in my opinion.

From a marketing point of view, in my opinion, AI is the future. As mentioned before, I think we are compelled to use AI and stay ahead of the competition. But always incorporate your own knowledge to make it more unique.

AI copywriting has the potential to revolutionize the way we create marketing content that generates sales. Here are some reasons why AI copywriting is the future of writing and creating marketing content

Time and Cost Savings: AI copywriting can save businesses and individuals significant time and cost in creating high-quality content. Instead of spending hours or even days writing and editing content, AI copywriting tools can generate content quickly and efficiently.

Consistency: AI copywriting can ensure consistency in brand voice, tone, and style across all marketing content. This consistency can help establish brand recognition and trust with customers.

Personalization: AI copywriting can analyze data on customer preferences, behaviours, and demographics to generate personalized content that resonates with the target audience. Personalized content can help increase engagement and conversions.

SEO Optimization: AI copywriting can generate content that is optimized for search engines, which can improve website traffic and search engine rankings.

Scalability: AI copywriting can scale content production to meet the demand for high-quality content across various channels and platforms.

Overall, AI copywriting has the potential to streamline the content creation process, improve content quality, and increase ROI for businesses and individuals.

Let the new “Tesla Bot” write all the marketing copy for you and your clients using just a keyword! Smart marketers are already using CopyBlocks AI to generate profitable results using AI-written content in 120+ languages! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full 60-day no questions asked, money-back guarantee!

AI CONTENT DISCLOSURE: Some of the content in this article was created with AI using a unique strategy I have compiled. Some articles are a mixture of my own writing combined with AI, like Chat GPT. Articles not including this disclosure are 100% my own written content.

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Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.