Why Is It Hard to Share My Goals With My Girlfriend

I’m hiding my online creative pursuits from my girlfriend and questioning whether it’s time to reveal my secret world

2 min readNov 2, 2023


Photo by olia danilevich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-sitting-in-front-of-three-computers-4974915/

I feel like I am living a double life.

Sometimes, I feel like I’m keeping a secret from my girlfriend.

We’ve been together for five years, but I haven’t opened up to her about my dreams and ambitions. She doesn’t know that I’ve been regularly writing a blog for the past few months. She’s also unaware that I recently started a YouTube channel.

It’s almost like I have this hidden online life that I’ve never shared with her.

This makes me wonder how many others might be in a similar situation, hiding their online endeavours from their loved ones. How many of you reading this might be afraid of how your goals would be perceived by those close to you, fearing that your partners won’t understand or support your aspirations?

The truth is, it’s not that I believe my girlfriend wouldn’t support me; it’s more about my own shyness and self-consciousness as a content creator.

Another reason is that she’s an artist and isn’t really involved with the online world. In fact, she spends most of her time away from the computer, except for basic needs.

I don’t think she understands the concept of being a content creator, and she might not even believe me when I mention how much people can earn on the internet.

A part of me wants to share my online world with her, but I’m uncertain if it’s necessary.

Maybe I’ll wait until I see the results of my hard work before I sit her down and explain why I’m always on my computer.

