Why is it so Easy for People to Believe the Most Obvious Lies yet Require Proof of God?

Conversely, Why Does this Walking BS Detector not Believe 90% of Peoples’ Claims Yet Firmly Believe in Eternal Souls and God(s)?

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman


It’s fascinating. It’s maddening. It’s fascinatingly maddening. As an INTP, I think about the inconsistencies referenced in the titles quite often. I was searching for the answer a few minutes ago by looking at the 16 personality types’ gullibility factors but quickly realized any answer I would take from there would be the result of confirmation bias and thus would be false.

I just read Ella Alderson’s piece The Idea of God has One Major Flaw, and was going to send her my previously 10.3.20 self-published version of this story as a dialogue opener, but then saw the opportunity to revise, repurpose and publish anew.

Every religion is flawed. Religions are designed by humans. Humans are flawed. Thus religious view of God are flawed.

The lies that people believe appeal to some human need and that is why “there is sucker born every minute,” and explains the “success” President Chump had.

Spiritual truths do not have this appeal.



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.