Why Is K2 the World’s Toughest Mountain to Climb?

-Mountain climbing

Ammara Hassan


Photo by Daniel Born on Unsplash

K2 Mountain: What Is It Like?

K2 mountain is a fascinating place and a dream to accomplish for many mountaineers. With a height of 8611 meters (28,251ft) above sea level, it is the second-highest mountain on planet Earth after Mount Everest.

  • Location: Pakistan-China border, Gilgit−Baltistan, Pakistan
  • Elevation: 8,610 m (28,250 ft)
  • Prominence: 4,020 m (13,190 ft)
  • Parent range: Karakoram
  • First ascent: 31 July 1954, by Achille Compagnoni & Lino Lacedelli
  • Easiest route: Abruzzi Spur

It was discovered in 1856 by Col. T.G Montgomerie as a part of a British survey of India and was given the name K2 because it was the second peak measured in the Karakorum mountain range.

Located within the Karakorum range in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan and the Taxgorkan Tajik Autonomous County region of Xinjiang, China, this majestic mountain is a great tourist attraction for adventurous mountaineers for trekking all around the globe.

K2 is also known as Savage Mountain, and it is a challenge to climb. Many climbers claim that it is a savage mountain that tries to kill…



Ammara Hassan

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