Why is Physics so Hard?

A Frustrated Poem

Adam Deitsch


Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

I’m an adult and I’m going to school.
I get good grades, so why am I afraid
that Physics will make me look like a fool.

So many people map out their lives.

They allocate time and plan everything.
Exercise, work, family, and quirks.
So why is the math of it all so frustrating?

We do all these things throughout the day.
But do we appreciate the things we don’t calculate?
So many equations and variables just to go play.

I’m usually good with science but this is hard for me.

Are we working with torque? What’s the speed?
What’s the weight? Did you forget to integrate?
Radians, not degrees? This is making my brain bleed.

When with this become easy for me?
How many more hours until I gain prowess?
Will I ever understand this, really?

Maybe I won’t be the best of the best.

I’ve totally botched at least one exam.
But hey, I know my grade won’t be the lowest of the low.
It’s only me I need to convince I’m not a sham.



Adam Deitsch

Adam is an Atmospheric Science PhD student with a background in Environmental Science. His Medium writing has taken a temporary hiatus while he does research.