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Why is respect for parents not the same anymore?

Wasn’t it always the end of discussion if a parent said no to it? Why is it not so anymore?

Sneha Luhana
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2022


Times were much easier when everything wasn’t decided by us, but our parents. Yes, hurts like hell when they tell you no for going out of town to study further, but we just grow into it realizing they were right. We think our father is just an ATM machine starting from paying our school fees to our electricity bills, and mother who is nothing more than our caretaker. 1 out of 10 people would even be mindful of the medicine that their mother takes. This generation has perhaps become extremely negative about each and everything that even a father’s simple question makes our face turn red in indignation.

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What is our fault in this?

We can pay more attention to ourselves and notice our way of talking with our friend and then with our father. It shows we care a great deal about the friendship being ruined, but not at all about the father-child relationship. Ironically, a father watches his child grow and dreams of their success, while a child aims to achieve something and leave the house as soon as they turn 18. Why is it that after being independent, we also completely leave our parents who craved for our support their entire lives? These things won’t be visible to our eyes until our own kids start to do this and our father tells us that this is how it is supposed to be. Surely what you sow, as shall you reap.

Photo by Jeff Wang on Unsplash

Are parents also responsible for this?

Yes, on a greater extent, parents are responsible for this as well. Often, parents are unable to do their jobs properly which turns in anger and comes out on the children. Going through such a behavior from a young age, kids start hating the environment at home and find ways to escape it. A parent should very well have knowledge on how to maintain peace that would have killed them if they didn’t have it when younger. It’s easy to understand that because of the john that shouted on them in the office, their kids shouldn’t be, at any cost, held responsible. Research shows that many people are now depressed because of the childhood abuse that they had to face with no fault of their own.

How can this be fixed?

Only way everything can be fixed is by understanding the other person correctly, their intentions behind each action. If it helps in love relationships, then why not in these? To do this is for yourself and the mental peace achieved saving the infuriation that leads to a great deal of misunderstanding. Both parents, and children should equally respect each other as they are both humans who are allowed mistakes and apologies from time to time. We should care for our parents as it’s not only us who is growing, but they, too , are getting older, and I feel the older we get, the more of a baby we become who needs constant look-after. It’s just paying back what they did and sacrificed ages for us.

