Why Isn’t Climate Change a Mass Movement?

We may need to change the narrative

T. J. Brearton


Photo by Antoine J. on Unsplash

There is no consensus.

This is the reality.

I’m not talking about the science, I’m talking about the people.

We simply do not agree that 1.) Climate change is happening, or at least 2.) Why climate change is happening, or if we do believe it’s happening, we don’t agree on 3.) How to address it.

Today, on a casual stroll through Medium, I encountered someone who thinks global warming is happening because the sun is getting hotter (this person is supposedly a rocket scientist), I read an article on how de-growth is the only way forward, and yet another article how de-growth is a crazy pipe dream and only a full swap to renewables will make a meaningful difference.

Many people think geoengineering is a must-do to avert the worst catastrophes, others think geoengineering is a potential catastrophe itself.

And today I read a comment that the planet would be better off without us — and the commenter cited an article from The Guardian laying out how we’ve killed off some 60% of species since 1970. Then someone replied that this commenter had to be suffering from self-hatred, and this self-hatred was entirely forming their worldview.

