Why It Is More Important To Preserve Old Buildings Than Building New Ones?

Naseer Aziz
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2020

Buildings have been all around the world and they have been the best source of shelter for mankind for a very long time. The design and architecture of buildings got innovated with time all around the world. Construction of houses started from wooden pieces held together to make walls and roofs of those houses were made by the leftover tree branches and large leaves if available. Those houses were not strong enough, water entered these houses when it rained and these houses would also get demolished in case of a tornado, tsunami, or earthquake. Then houses and buildings got developed by stronger materials such as rocks and the lifetime of buildings increased. Later on, tall buildings started to be built with strong glass covering the outer walls of the building supported by concrete from the inside. These buildings looked even more beautiful, and that is when those old rock-based buildings started being preserved as a historical monument.

Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash

New forms of architecture look attractive. Buildings nowadays are very tall, some of the buildings constructed recently have more than a hundred floors and there are more buildings being constructed around the globe that would be even taller than the tallest building in the world today, Burj Khalifa. Buildings like these are very tall and have outer walls covered with strong glass which looks very beautiful and these buildings attract tourists from all around the world. Buildings like these cover a small area on the ground while a lot of people can live in the apartments that are there inside of its tall structure.

New forms of architecture are also a lot safer than old architecture as buildings constructed now are earthquake-proof which means that buildings would not have any damages due to earthquakes. It is a very useful advancement for the tall buildings as they have a higher chance of falling due to an earthquake because of their tall structure. But making a building earthquake-proof makes it a lot more likely to be demolished by an earthquake.

Photo by Connor Meakins on Unsplash

Architecture developed nowadays has a lot more facilities than the old one. The new architecture has ample parking spaces for visitors or residents of that place. Newly constructed buildings have lift facilities in order to reach different floors of the building without climbing on the stairs. These buildings are also centrally air-conditioned along with standby generators which are used to supply power to the buildings which makes the experience of living or working in these buildings hassle-free.

The new form of architecture has a lot more functionality than old buildings but it is very important to preserve old buildings as it helps us understand the history and culture of that area before the time we were here in this world as most of the people who built those buildings or even used those buildings as an office or residential place would not be alive at this time but the architecture they built shows us the efforts the architects made in order to make those buildings look beautiful and as functional as they could make during the time it was made. Along with that it helps us understand how simple a lifestyle those people used to have during the old days.

Photo by Jainam Mehta on Unsplash

Old buildings preserve the history of that area and those buildings turn out to be a historical attraction for people all around the world. The leaning tower of Pisa is one of the tourist attractions located in Italy. It is one of the oldest buildings in this world if not the oldest, but people from all around the world visit Italy in order to admire the beauty of this architecture. Tourism benefits the local people as it helps generate more jobs and the economy of Italy also flourishes.

Old buildings preserve the history of an area while the new forms of architecture indicate the innovation and modernization that has taken place over the period of time. It is very important to preserve old buildings as it shows the starting point of the architecture industry of a country and it turns out to be a tourist attraction as well for people all around the world while the new architecture is a lot more safe and convenient to live in due to the facilities offered there. It is good to preserve old buildings due to the benefits it has for the locals and the economy of that area but at the same time, new forms of architecture should be encouraged in order to stay up to date with the advancements that are taking place all around the world.



Naseer Aziz

I Am A Computer Science Student, Cryptocurrency Believer And An Aspiring Entrepreneur.