Why It Is the Journey Not the Destination That Matters

Our happiness is found not in completing an activity but in doing it

John R. Miles


Women leaping from a fallen tree realizing life is about the journey not the destination
Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay

I love reading thriller novels. The stories usually have a complex plot with twists and turns that make you eager to know how the book will end. But if you just skip to the last chapter, you certainly lose the beauty and satisfaction of the story and do not fully grasp what really happened in it. The reality of life is very similar. That is because life is a journey, not a destination.

No one knows how our journey is going to end. Having a life plan with things we want to accomplish is extremely important. However, I have found through my own journey that if we focus too much on the eventual outcome, not only do we miss out on many of life’s great moments. But, we may fail to take advantage of the daily opportunities and relationships along the path to achieving our aspirations. So, one of my biggest life lessons has been to not wait until I have it all figured out before taking daily intentional action.

I have also found it vital to try to enjoy the journey experience so I can maximize opportunities along the way and become the best version of myself. This, frankly, hasn’t always been easy for me to do. I tend to be my own worst enemy by not celebrating the small victories along the…



John R. Miles

Award-winning author, Speaker, and Host of the #1 Passion Struck podcast. My mission is to guide you in becoming your best self. More at www.johnrmiles.com