What the Church Doesn’t Want You To Know

Why It’s Not A Sin To Be Gay

How The Church Manufactures Sins GOD Never Created

Keith Michael
Published in
12 min readMay 5, 2022


Image by stokkete via DepositPhotos

In the never-ending debate between Christian Evangelicals and people who actually read the Bible, no issue is more shoved in our faces than the Church-manufactured “sin” of being gay. (I use “Gay” as an umbrella term for anyone not straight.)

“Ah, the Church didn’t manufacture that sin, Keith. It’s in the Bible!”

And so are a lot of other “sins”, laws, and commands, even some of the Ten Commandments, that the Church utterly IGNORES, as it cherry-picks its way into following which parts of the Bible it wants and which parts are just too Jewish for it to stomach.

The Church defiantly blows off the 4th Commandment to keep the 7th Day holy. No, the Church worships on Dies Solis, Sun’s Day, the Pagan 1st day of the week. Hypocritical much?

Right next to where the Bible says it’s a sin to be gay, the same Bible also says it’s a sin to shave your beard. Yet shaving is not a sin to the Church.

Cherry-pick much?

The fact is, I have no problem with so-called “cherry-picking” from the Bible because that is exactly what Jesus and the Apostles did! More on this in a moment …



Keith Michael

Having spent the better part of 40 years in the Church, I’m on a Crusade with millions of others being led by GOD to Reform the Church. KeithMichael.org