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Why It’s So Much Easier To Solve Other People’s Problems Than Your Own

Are you sure you know what you’re talking about tho….?

Maggy Elsousou
Published in
5 min readMay 31, 2023


Does anyone else feel they’ve got all the answers….for everyone else?

We’re so wise and helpful until it comes to our own problems. Suddenly we’re Jack from the Titanic….clinging onto what’s obviously a life-saving raft….yet dumb enough to stay in freezing cold water.

It’s always a lot easier to solve other people’s problems — but why is that?

They’re More Capable

In our technology-fueled world, we can’t help but constantly compare ourselves to one another.

There’s always someone who’s doing it better than us. Who is more intelligent, talented, disciplined, and skilled…we look at them with admiration and think ‘Of course they are capable of great success and in time they’ll definitely get there’.

Then we turn and face ourselves in the mirror deflated and uncertain of our own fate.

It’s easier to believe in others than we do ourselves.


We’re not in their head — we are not experiencing their doubt, fear, resistance, and challenges. We are not emotionally attached to their human experience —…



Maggy Elsousou

I'm weird. You're weird. Life is weird. Just go with it.