Why Joe Biden Needs to Pick his VP Now?

His failure to do so create resentment among his supporters and makes four women compete for his attention

Charlotte Zobeir Ali


Image from pixabay

Yesterday Amy Klobuchar was asked to undergo vetting to be Biden’s running partner. The news was widely commented by supporters of other contenders who threw insults at each other all over social media.

Joe Biden seems to turn the VP nomination into a game which only adds drama to the political discourse.

At this point in time, Democrats should be focused on setting up a strategy to win in 2020 rather than fight among themselves.

When Biden declared that he would choose a woman as his running partner, he opened the gate for arguments even if he thought the announcement would create unity and give strength to the party.

Unfortunately, the shocking attacks directed at the women who put themselves forward, give Trump ammunition to use in future debates.

It is indeed bad optics to see a man being courted by intelligent women.

He should get inspiration from Martin Luther King jr who stated “There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him it is right”.

