Why Kids Shouldn't get Social Media Until they are Eighteen

At this point, adults can’t even handle it

Rachel Sample M.Ed.


source: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/blog/fe-and-social-media-make-the-perfect-match-16-mar-2018

While it is true that social media can be used for good the truth is it's often not.

I remember when my oldest was around the age of ten, I would get friend requests from her friends who were also around the same age. I thought it was odd that someone so young would be on a platform that’s meant for ages 13 and up.

I decided a long time ago that I saw little benefit of my children getting social media at a young age. It sets them up in a trap and keeps them from enjoying the life that is right in front of them.

Here are the reasons that I won’t let my children have social media before the age of 18.


With children’s young and immaturely developed brains, this can be a real issue. Around the preteen age, children want to fit in and be accepted.

We all know that when you go on social media, you are only seeing people’s highlights and not their everyday living. Comparison is a problem for everyone but especially at this young age.

Another issue is that many people embellish their life on social media. It is a lie and not their true self. Instead of the young person developing their…



Rachel Sample M.Ed.

Ph.D. of History Student and Homeschooling Mother to Eight Children. Currently Residing in Honolulu, Hawaii. Find me on https://twitter.com/sweethomebouti1