Why ‘Kumar’ is More Than Just a Surname?

The Indian Perspective

Anand Raj


Photo by Church of the King on Unsplash

‘Kumar.’ A simple surname that is to India what ‘Smith’ is to the English world. But, dear readers, kumars and kumaris of the internet let’s dive deeper into this popular Indian surname that doesn’t just tell us about lineage but carries a medley of stories, traditions, and some spicy Bollywood drama!

The Roots and Ramblings of ‘Kumar’:

For starters, did you know that Kumar isn’t originally a surname? Shocking. Deriving from the Sanskrit term ‘Kumara,’ it means a young boy or prince. Ancient Indian texts often refer to deities and divine beings as Kumaras. So, if your name is Kumar, wear it like a badge of honor — because technically, you’re a demigod! No pressure, though.

The Great Indian Family Drama:

Now, think about a Bollywood movie. Enter Rahul Kumar, the dashing protagonist who sings, dances, and woos his lady love. While Bollywood might have had a ‘Rahul’ obsession (thanks, SRK!), ‘Kumar’ has been the silent and steady surname, providing a down-to-earth vibe to our film heroes. It’s almost as if saying, “Hey, I might be dancing on top of a moving train, but I’m just like you!”

Challenges? Oh, We Have a Few:



Anand Raj

🔧 Mechanical Engineer | ✍️ Passionate Writer | 🌐 Bridging the Gap Between Engineering and Storytelling