Why Life-Long Learning Is Now Critical To Your Success

More than ever it will be your ability to learn that separates you from your peers

The Guvna


Photo by Canva

If 2020 has shown us anything it’s that acquiring new skills and knowledge as rapidly as possible will be more important than ever before if you want to thrive going forward.

The world was already changing quickly before this year but it feels like the pace of change has been quickened beyond anything we could have foreseen.

These shifts have created many opportunities but also, of course, a significant number of challenges as business and working models adapt and evolve.

All of these factors demand that we are more flexible and adaptable than ever before in order to progress in this new world order.

To be able to do so the most important skill you could have in today’s economy is the ability to learn new ideas rapidly and turn them into concrete action.

More than ever it will be your ability to learn that separates you from your peers regardless of the sector you operate in or your level within that space. It’s clear that companies recognise this and are trying to help their workforces cope. Research by LinkedIn Learning found that 51% of learning and development professionals aim to



The Guvna

I write about personal development, cycling, fatherhood and everything in between.