Why Long-Distance Relationships Are Worth the Hassle

Gaby Tefel
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2020


Via Unsplash.com

Long-distance relationships are hard. There is no discussing that. Still, I believe they get a worse reputation than they deserve.

Many people are of the idea that long-distance relationships never work, either because one person cheats or the love just dies.

But I believe that only happens when the love is not real, or when one person fails to put in the work.

I have been in a long-distance relationship for the past year, and I know how hard they can be. It might even seem impossible sometimes.

But here are many reasons why I believe they are worth it and why you should not give up.

You value your time together.

When you finally get to see each other after weeks of anticipation, you get a feeling like you’re falling in love all over again. The days you get to spend together are spent getting to know the other person’s quirks you can’t learn via Skype or Facetime.

You spend your time together listening to each other, learning their opinions on important things, or even just messing around and doing small things that make you fall even more in love.

Increase in trust and communication.

