Why Looks Actually Matter

Neoklis Kapartzianis
Published in
7 min readAug 9, 2023
Photo by Sarad Shrestha on Unsplash

In today’s world, it always feels like the more attractive a person is, the better off they seem to be compared to other people. Furthermore, Physical appearance may sometimes lead to unfair advantages in the workplace.

But why does this occur? Why do looks matter so much that even when someone says that they value personality a lot more than looks, they still tend to be heavily biased by your appearance?

In this article, we are going to do a deep dive into how appearance can heavily bias your perception of someone else, even when you are actively striving against it, while also exploring ways to improve your looks to give you an unfair advantage over everybody else.

But first, let’s explore the magic behind the true meaning of being attractive.

Being attractive usually implies that you are found aesthetically pleasing by most other people. This implies that, although being attractive can be improved by using a variety of different methods and techniques, it is mostly up to genetics to determine how attractive you can become, and how difficult it is to become more attractive.

Getting back to our subject, your physical attractiveness is generally going to be the first thing people notice about you ( unless you go on a blind date I guess). So, the first impression a stranger will have is going to be heavily reliant on you being physically attractive.

But the main reason as to why being attractive can heavily bias one’s perception of you, aside from the fact that first impressions matter, is mainly due to the halo effect.

The halo effect implies that when you first meet people, your brain heavily relies on the information it finds out through that “first impression” about the person in order to try and determine if that person Is a threat or not.

Unfortunately, in modern-day society, our caveman brain’s ability to determine whether a person is a threat is completely useless. Because of the halo effect, if an individual has a positive trait such as being attractive, he is perceived as having various other positive characteristics such as being nice confident, etc.

On the other hand, people who have a negative trait such as being ugly, are immediately thought to have other bad traits too. Take butterflies and moths for example. They are both more or less the same insect, but the butterfly’s majestic wings make us love them, but moths are always killed due to them being ugly.

Considering this, we can conclude that being attractive and good-looking has a significant impact on every aspect of our lives and because of that, we should always strive towards being as attractive as possible, as this can create opportunities for you, as well as help you bridge the gap between you and the people you want to connect with.

As a side note, the reason that almost all successful people are attractive is also due to their understanding of the importance of the halo effect and them also trying to take advantage of it and succeeding.

In addition, this can help you find people who have the same goals and understanding of the world as you and can help you with what you are trying to achieve, while also acting as a networking gateway because your successful friends are also going to have other successful friends that can also help you with your journey towards your goals.

Now that you have a really good idea of why looks matter that much, I’m going to share with you 5 tips to really get you going and help you achieve that aesthetically pleasing look.

1. Working out

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

One of the most common ways people improve their appearance is by working out.

Working out includes a wide variety of activities, with the most common being going to the gym, but by picking up a sport you can also see significant results.

However, to successfully achieve your goals, you must first understand that your progress isn’t going to be linear as you might have expected, but it will start exponentially, then linearly, and then logarithmically.

In simple terms, this means that you are going to start out seeing almost no progress, then, after 1–2 months of being consistent you will start seeing lots of results. From there, your progress is going to grow consistently and, in the end, if you manage to make it all the way, you will finally start slowing down until you can’t progress anymore. But by that point, you would have already achieved all your fitness goals.

I would recommend either hiring a gym trainer or going with a gym bro who is already experienced with going to the gym.

2. Taking care of your skin

Photo by michela ampolo on Unsplash

Taking care of your skin is crucial in ensuring you look attractive, while clean skin can highlight your other characteristics. From just washing your face to using a hair trimmer to style that facial hair, there is a wide range of skincare products you can use to ensure your skin is in its best condition.

Aside from the improvement you will see in looks, having healthy skin is also generally a good thing to have, as it signals that you are a healthy individual.

Just be careful, as there are 5 skin types, you should find out which one you have while also checking what the skincare products contain in case you have any allergies. For more information, I would watch this video from Dr. Azi, which helped me determine my skin type.

3. Use Proper Body language

Photo by Luemen Rutkowski on Unsplash

Although we are mainly talking about looks here, the art of presenting your attractive self is also a pretty important step to ensure that you are perceived as attractive as possible. Good body language can make you seem like you are confident, while also helping you highlight the parts of your body you find more aesthetic and hide the parts that are not “yet”.

You need to be able to express yourself with body language and make it seem natural, otherwise, it may seem forced and can be found unappealing by others. So, don’t be amazed to find that it’s going to take a crap ton of time to achieve having proper body language.

To improve your body language, you should NOT get help from professionals nor do this all by yourself. Instead, just watch how people like Andrew Tate and Mrbeast use their bodies to engage their audience, as they have extensively studied body language and they know how to invest people in their content.

4. Clothing

Photo by Mnz on Unsplash

Clothing can play a crucial role in presenting yourself, as knowing how to dress can help you (as with body language) highlight certain parts of your body while also making you look better. A man with a good sense of fashion who knows how to dress , I guarantee you that he is going to be more successful in finding people to work with or finding a potential partner than a person who doesn’t have good taste in clothing.

Mastering how to properly dress depending on the situation can take an excruciatingly long amount of time,as it is mainly trial and error, while not only is every situation different, and dressing accordingly for every one is going to take time to get it to come out naturally, but also because everyone is different and you can’t just look at other people to find your outfit, although you can get inspired by outfits you find fit to you.

I strongly recommend getting rid of a lot of clothing to narrow down your options, as this will make you only wear the outfits you look best with and nothing else.

5. Build good relationships

Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

As my parents always told me, “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”.

This saying has been proven right time and time again, and it’s no surprise that you find all successful people to also be friends with people like them.

A study shows that every person is the average of the 5 people they hang out most with, which brings me back to why it helps you become more attractive. If you are around attractive and successful people who all have other successful and attractive friends, you are guaranteed to become attractive and successful. In addition, because of the existence of the halo effect, if they see that you are with such good friends, people just assume that you are also going to be that way which can help you dramatically with networking.


The way you look can heavily impact the way you are seen by other people, as well as help you influence the people that matter while it also helps you, as well as prevent you get everywhere you want yourself to be. But, to fully take advantage of this fact, you need to focus on making sure you look the best you can every time of the day.



Neoklis Kapartzianis

I hate the state of modern society. I'm here to try and do something about it Twitter: https://x.com/Neoklis_kaps