Why Love Poem

Karlo Tasler
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2022


“A couple in Camden Town” by Karlo Tasler

I was sensing your hot blood,
Just down there at the river,
As cold water was wrinkling up your toes.
I was looking at you, effortlessly.
I could fondly hear your heart,
Giving the rhythm to the river’s mystical flow.

But you needed proof.
You wanted proof!
A translation of what I was hearing.
You always wanted.
I couldn’t give it to you.

“Why? Whyyy?” You were seeking an explanation of everything.
Why Summer? Why Autumn? Why God? Why us?
Why me, myself? Like this.
I don’t know why!
Who cares why!

I caressed you with my deepest being.
“What do you want from me?” you asked.
“Absolutely nothing,” I answered.
You said that one who doesn’t want anything has nothing.
But how come then I felt I had everything…
Just by listening to your heart?

And then I hurt you. Intentionally.
I made a drama.
Because only in suffering I needed you. I wanted you.
I could speak to you.
The drama was the only…



Karlo Tasler

Explaining the complexity of life and its various perspectives through the beautiful game of football. Or rather the tragic game of football, so to speak.