Why Marshawn Lynch is One of The Most Intriguing Football Player of All-Time

And how he really changed the game of football.

Jordan Mendiola



The NFL is packed with a wide variety of personalities and play styles that make you remember their name.

Marshawn Lynch is a player that I’ve always been inspired and motivated by. I played running back with the number 24 in my junior and senior years of high school because I loved his style of play and his attitude on the field.

A play that football fans may vividly remember is Marshawn Lynch’s 67-yard touchdown in 2011 where he broke seven or eight tackles in the NFC wildcard game.

Why his style of play really resonates:

Lynch runs incredibly strong and hard. He’ll stiff-arm a 300-pound man and sift through defensive linemen like it’s nothing and it’s really amazing.

He’s a really smart player who knows when to hit the gaps quickly and get to the point where he can go one on one with a cornerback or safety.

Marshawn is not a cocky individual either. Instead of taunting the other team or getting a big head about his style of play, he gets up, heads back to the huddle, and does it all over again.



Jordan Mendiola

I started writing during the pandemic, took a short break. But have returned for more. Quality over quantity this second time around. Thanks for being here!