Why Men Need To Stop Blaming Women For Their Crappy Behaviour

Hold yourselves accountable

TC Hails


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Just to be clear, this post is not about vilifying men.

The premise is simply to highlight a type of man that refuses to hold themselves accountable for their actions, and the trail of broken people left behind, looking for ways to put the pieces back together again and make sense.

The current global situation we’re in has brought this topic to the surface like a ripe pimple.

Let’s release it and have a conversation or at the very least, provoke a thought that opens up a line of truthful communication.

There are too many people suffering in silence right now, scared to show how they really feel so it’s not perceived as being weak or needy. Putting on a brave face and playing the role of “Teflon Don” to hide their internal turmoil.

Expressing how you feel is not a weakness, do not let people who have not yet mastered how to do this, make you wrong for doing so.

Acceptance from both sides is a catalyst for starting the accountability process, we can only be responsible for ourselves and our own actions.
With that being…



TC Hails

A creative observer who writes about life, including what happens when we lose our shit. Highlighting the typical, unusual twists and comedy of it all.