Why More than 90% of People Fail to Follow Weight Loss Diet

Tips that’ll help you stick to your diet.

Dr. Jay Chatwani
3 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

Every other overweight individual(48%) has tried to be on a weight-loss diet.

And 90 percent of those trying, failed to follow it past few weeks.

If you’ve tried you might know following a strict diet is no easy task.

I had followed a diet for more than 8 months and I’ve managed to lose 17 kg weight in 6 months.

But following a diet wasn’t the hardest part of that process.

So what made my journey easier than others?

Keeping it a Secret

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

You should keep your plan of dieting to yourself.

I know it’s hard not to scream to the world when you’re doing something positive but it’ll only make things hard for you.

Because there will be intangible peer pressure when you express that you’re doing something good.

There will be unexpressed expectations from you, and you’ll have eyes on you noticing how you’re doing.

So every time you drift off from the diet (which happens now and then), or even if you’re having a cheat meal, be prepared to have to explain why you’re not following your diet.

Trust me on this, having personal accountability is way healthier and stress-free than others holding you accountable.

So shhhh….. have something to show first and then shout it to the world.


Over my journey, I’ve noticed that the initial part of about a month was the hardest one, and then it progressively got easier to follow the diet as…

  • Losing weight reduces cravings
  • You have results to show that’ll keep you going
  • Your body is adapted to your diet.

Try giving yourself an initial push and momentum will be on your side after a month.

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

How can you stay Motivated for the Initial part?

  1. Not In Sight: Give away essentially anything that’s not in your diet. Not having the option to satisfy the craving will take a load off your head.
  2. Serial Progress: Measure your weight frequently to see progress after following your diet to keep you on track.
  3. Hard No: Say no to family and friends for eating out or go to places where you can find food consistent with your diet.

You’d be forced to look at your priorities because you don’t want to be that no-fun guy in the group but are you willing to give a little social sacrifice for your health?

Surfing the Urge

When you’re starting, you’ll have intense cravings, that’s how it works but the good part is cravings reduce when you lose weight.

What can you do about those cravings?

Every time you have a craving instead of giving in, you can “Surge that Urge”

Urge surfing means noticing your urges and simply watching them rise and fall like waves, while not having to respond

Just notice your mind when you have a craving and look at it as it passes, they all pass eventually. You just have to not give in when feel the urge.

Fighting the urge is a game of your will but you shouldn’t play that game, it’s a losing battle as you’ll run out of willpower.

But being mindful of your tendencies is a way easier and stress-free way to follow a diet long term.

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