Why Most Dating Tips Young Men Get Are So Problematic

It’s all about fake it till you make it

Louis Petrik
Published in
5 min readApr 8, 2021


Photo by Olanma Etigwe-uwa from Pexels

I was sitting next to a friend in the lobby of our school. He was on his cell phone, seeming to write a message on WhatsApp.

All of a sudden, he put his phone away. He received another message but started to ignore his phone. Then he turned to me to tell me something.

A few days ago, he met a girl. Now he texts with her, trying to arrange a date.
Then he sat there, holding his cell phone but not using it — just waiting for something.

I asked him why he wouldn’t answer her message. His answer blew me away. “I don’t want to appear needy," he said — that’s why he waits after every message from her and takes his time to reply.

He tried to seem busy — but in reality, he was sitting there waiting.

Wait a while after each message to not appear needy —There are plenty of such strange dating tips for men. However, very few people are aware that this is a problem.

Let’s take a closer look at what men are learning about dating today and why it’s problematic.

Fake it till you laid it



Louis Petrik

JavaScript & Python. Figuring out life, one idea at a time. Unlimited reads: