
Why Passion Is the Only Thing, You Need To Succeed.

A lesson I learned while tracking my nutrition.

Kai Arthur Allison


Photo by Dylan Pirozek on Unsplash

In the past, I tried tracking my nutrition multiple times. Sadly though I also failed in doing so for an extended period almost always. Except for once, the one time I build a habit around tracking my nutrition that I kept following to till this day. What was different this time?

That’s the question I will answer in this article. I will teach you what finally helped me track my nutrition consistently and what could help you achieve anything.

Tracking what you eat can be quite interesting and provides the best foundation for taking control of your weight (no matter if you want to decrease or increase it) I have ever seen. It is also free when you use free apps, like one of my favorite apps of all time, MyFitnessPal. However, it can be pretty time-consuming sometimes. This is the reason why a lot of people fail to make it a habit. I was one of the for quite some time too, however, now everything changed. I managed to build a solid habit around tracking my nutrition and the reason why I made it this time and not all the other times will surprise you!

It’s because this time I became passionate about it. But why? It started with me going to the gym to build some muscle. There I learned that to see significant gains from working out you need to have your diet on point. That’s why I started looking back into this whole tracking thing. I redownloaded MyFitnessPal and got going. At first, I was just tracking what I ate but pretty quickly I started learning from the new data I collected. Combining that new knowledge with what I learned about muscle growth, gave me insights into my nutrition I never had before. For example, I learned how many calories and grams of protein you need to consume to gain muscles quickly. I then went on to plug these values as my new daily goals into my tracking app, where I discovered pretty soon, that I was a) eating too less and b) consuming too few grams of protein.

Of course, you might now be wondering why I am telling you all this. It’s because to understand the lesson to learn from this you will need to learn my story first.

After my sad realization, I started (voluntarily) adapting my diet, because I was spending so much time in the gym that I didn’t want to waste all of it because of bad nutrition. This didn’t take me any willpower at all. I didn’t even realize that I was doing it, I only realized this looking back. There was no willpower and no discipline required. The same went for tracking the foods I consumed. Because of the bigger goal of building muscle mass and the way I felt passionate about it, there was also no need to force myself to use the tracking app. My subconscious mind was doing it voluntarily.

By now I have changed from a person that once was unable to stick to tracking their nutrition for longer than a few weeks, to someone who checks the calories consumed each day voluntarily.

What can you learn from my story?

It’s that passion that makes things easy.

Having a greater goal will make you do the things necessary to achieve it voluntarily. You won’t need willpower or discipline anymore. That’s why everyone should search for his greater goal. Besides that, you should try as hard as possible to develop a passion for the things you do, because this can save you so much energy.



Kai Arthur Allison

Jogger. Writer. Student | Writing about Tech, History, Success, and everything that I think can help people in life | Support me and my writing by following me