Why People Hate Vegans

My thoughts on the Vegan vs. Anti-Vegan drama.

Ari Love


Photo by Mattia Ascenzo on Unsplash

Note: The following article is about my plant-based diet and how it has impacted my mental, spiritual and physical health. Your situation may be different.

Why I went Vegan

I hesitated to write about my Vegan journey for a few reasons. The main reasons are I understand Veganism is controversial, and I did not want anyone to misunderstand my views.

Before I started my plant-based diet, I was depressed, stressed, and recovering from major surgery. While in recovery, I stopped eating dairy and meat. For me, the change was surprisingly easy. So I decided to eliminate all dairy, meat, and fish.

Initially, I did not consider myself Vegan. I was only eating a plant-based diet. As time passed, I began to eliminate all animal-based products. It happened naturally.

Four weeks after my surgery, I was almost fully recovered and full of energy. My doctor was impressed at the speed of my recovery and weight loss. My blood work results were perfect.

Physically I felt great, but the significant change was in my mental health.

Once I started my plant-based diet, my depression diminished. I felt happier and more connected to nature. I began to go on long walks, sit in…



Ari Love

Sassy, solo-traveling, free-spirited chick, writing about love, healing, awakening, and spiritual stuff. I play by my own rules, wanna play?