Why Purpose-Led Marketing Might Be Good for Optics but Bad for Business

Although promoting ‘brand values’ may be fashionable, some maintain that ‘activism’ has no place in business

Noya Lizor


Photo by Garin Chadwick via Unsplash.com

There has been a noticeable rise in recent years in purpose-led marketing that’s given a whole new meaning to the term ‘brand values’. With the world becoming increasingly divided along political and ideological lines, a number of causes and issues have gained both support and criticism due to a growing sentiment of both activist zeal on the one hand, and a growing distrust of governments and corporations on the other. What has become a matter of identity-driven moral and social principles for some, is regarded with suspicion and aversion by others. But where once upon a time it used to be considered taboo for brands to ‘take sides’ publicly on controversial issues, in the 2020s it seems to be all the rage.

Where once upon a time it used to be considered taboo for brands to ‘take sides’ publicly on controversial issues, in the 2020s it seems to be all the rage.

Not all causes are controversial and divisive. Coming together to help support a sick child, or provide a wonderful opportunity to…



Noya Lizor

Freelance copywriter who loves pushing the envelope. For more of my insights and musings, follow me on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nuHDVF