Why Scotland Is A Great Place To Live (Or Visit)

And a few things that aren’t that great.

Don Johnson


Photo by Justin Harris

I moved to Scotland three years ago after growing up and living in the Northeast part of the U.S. Here’s what makes living in Scotland wonderful.

The air is fresh.

Scotland is sparsely populated, with 5.3 million people in a landmass the size of South Carolina, so there isn’t the smog, congestion, or air pollution typically found in U.S. urban areas. Plus, there’s no heavy industrial pollution and environmental controls are strong. Breathe deeply. The air, straight off the North Sea, is clean.

No gun violence.

I don’t worry about getting shot, ever. After one school shooting back in 1996, gun laws were tightened. All handguns, semi-automatic and pump-action non-rim-fire rifles are prohibited. Since then, there have been zero school shootings. Zero. If you want to own a rifle or shotgun, you can obtain a license from Police Scotland. You’ll find no signs on the doors of pubs or shops saying no guns are allowed inside. Nice.

The environment is clean.

There are few or no billboards contaminating the highways, called dual carriageways. You can enjoy the beautiful views without having to be hounded by…



Don Johnson

Author | Meditation Teacher | Advocate for Kindness, Respect & Freedom | Human Potential Coach | Connect with me here: www.bemoreconscious.com