Why SEO Is Important For Entrepreneurs

“Good SEO work only gets better over time”

Arsalan Haroon
6 min readAug 4, 2021


Seo plays a big role in every online business, no matter what industry you have or what size of an online business you have. Seo is the essential thing online businesses need to focus on.

Knowing why seo is important for entrepreneurs and businesses can help you value the seo and take it seriously for your business.

If you are planning to start your online business or have an online business, ever wondered why people give importance to seo that much?

That’s the question we answer in this article. So you can take seo your marketing strategy because SEO can make or break your online business.

Let’s dive into the importance of seo and why seo is important for entrepreneurs and businesses.


Organic traffic

Why SEO is Important for Entrepreneurs
Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

One of the most beneficial things that make seo the most crucial thing for every online business is organic traffic.

If you do seo on your website, you can increase your organic traffic. It increases your sales, which means when you are improving your seo, you are indirectly increasing your sales and revenue.

If you have an online business and you want to get traffic. But you don’t want to get traffic through paid advertising.

Then seo is the way to go for increasing your organic traffic. The best things about organic traffic are that you don’t have to pay for thousand of traffic. Coming to your website and people doesn’t think you are trying to sell something to them.

They type their query on google and click o your website. Because people want help and, you help them. It shows that you want to help your audience, not just get their money.

Trust & Credibility

Trust & Credibility
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

How SEO builds trust and credibility? Well, if some one searches for an iPhone review and they find your iPhone review.

You explain every feature of that iPhone, Then people will increase their trust and credibility for you because you give them value, and in return, they give you their trust.

Seo also builds trust and credibility for Google so it can rank your website on top pages.

There are many things in seo you need to do to build trust and credibility for Google and, if you build trust and credibility for google, it can rank your website on the top page. It can also increase your trust and credibility with your audience.

When you build the trust for the audience and google. Then it’s easy to market your product to people and sell your product. Because the audience already trusts your website. Google trust can give you high ranking and traffic. Which can give you more audience and more revenues for your online business.

SEO Is Relatively Cheap

SEO Is Relatively Cheap
Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

If you ask me what one thing seo has that makes this marketing strategy different from other marketing strategies.

It would be that seo can give thousands of traffic for relatively cheap or even for free. Most online businesses made a mistake when they first started.

They only focus on paid advertising which gives them instant traffic and, that traffic will decrease in months.

That’s the short-term way of getting thousands of traffic and also pay for traffic. You have to increase your marketing budget for doing that.

But with seo, you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on a marketing budget to get thousand of traffic for the long term. It can give you a high ranking which can give thousand of traffic for free.

If you pay to advertise for getting that much traffic. Then you probably need to spend thousands of dollars, and that’s also riskier.

You might get traffic today, but what if your traffic has gone then? You have to do paid advertising again to get traffic and, this goes on and on. which can increase your chances of going out of cash.

You spend all your money on paid advertising, which can ultimately affect your online business. That is why seo is important for business because it doesn’t require money to get good results.

But it requires time because it’s a long-term process if you think you can do seo for weeks and months and you get thousand of traffic.

That’s not true, it requires years to grow your organic traffic. But once you do that, it can increase your online business revenue without increasing your marketing budget.

But it requires time and hard work for successful seo. You can hire a seo and seo agency to do this for you if you don’t have time to learn that skill, It’s worth it in the long term.

Can a Business Stop Doing SEO Once It’s Successful Online?

Can a Business Stop Doing SEO Once It’s Successful Online?
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Most people have a myth that once you do SEO, then you get traffic for years. Well, that’s not true because technology is growing and, With a technology search engines is also updating and changing.

So it’s crucial to understand what new updates and changes are in the search engine. So you know what is more important or what is not.

It might possible that what works today, which can give you thousands of traffic, may not give any traffic tomorrow. So it’s important to change your seo strategy as search engine updates because seo is a long-term process.

You have to keep learning and updating yourself about search engine updates. So you can know what seo strategy is right for you today and what seo strategy is good for you tomorrow.

If something work for you in 2011 and you get thousands of traffic at that time. Then today, that seo strategy may not give you anything, or if it’s a black hat technique, you may penalize your website on google.

Google is getting smarter every day. You can’t outsmart Google. You have to build a relationship with Google.

So it can trust you and give you more ranking. Which can help you get more traffic and increase revenue for your online business.

“SEO is an ever-changing world, what’s best now may not become the best tomorrow.”


It’s hard to ignore the importance of SEO in every online business. If you have an online business. No matter what industry you have, whether you sell products or services, whether you are large or small, you still need to do SEO to grow your online business.

The biggest companies in the world still do seo because they know why seo is important.

It can give thousands of traffic without paying thousands of dollars for that traffic. It makes that traffic relatively cheap, which increases profits.

Every entrepreneur should at least learn the basics of seo because it can help them. When hiring a seo expert, you can ask them questions related to their skills. After all, you know the fundamentals of seo.

“Effective Search Engine Optimization Requires a Commitment, Not a Campaign.” — James Reynolds


