Why Should I Be Kind And Caring?

Kindness makes our world a better place

Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters


We live in an often cynical, cruel world.

We see daily how unkind and hurtful others can be.

If we let ourselves, we can begin to think this is the way to get ahead in the world. We can start to tell ourselves we, too, need to act in unkind and overly aggressive ways.

However, kindness and compassion are the hallmarks of great leaders, lasting friendships, and fulfilling lives.

Lesson to Learn

Each day we make dozens of decisions.

Many of them involve how we interact with others. When we choose to be kind and caring, we change the very nature of the interaction. It becomes something different — and better.

We create building blocks to a better future in the ways we interact with others.

This sets a tone and creates a culture that surrounds us and others. Leaders who demonstrate kindness and compassion are more than listened to — they are respected and followed.

We can all become individual leaders who care and are kind. We certainly need more of that in our world today.



Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters

I write to educate and inspire. President & CEO of MACNY - The Manufacturers Association with over 300 company members in New York State. Visit www.macny.org.