Why Should You Read?

Syed Noorulla
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2024

The pleasure of reading is often overlooked today because it is perceived as an elite activity.

Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash

When I was a kid I used to read everything that I could get my hands on. I also read the encyclopedia, probably at the age of 9 or 10. I didn’t want to read the encyclopedia. I just read it because I ran out of books to read and was bored. Said Elon Musk.

I have a question for you. Why are you even reading this article?

For Knowledge obviously but again why read at all? Why invest your 2–3 minutes in reading this article even though you have a lot of other things to do? Reading is proven to have a lot of benefits, ranging from reducing stress to improving sleep and memory and, of course, engaging your brain.

It is one of the first things we learn how to do and a skill we use so naturally that we cannot keep ourselves from doing it once we see some text in our language. It’s fun, helps us build knowledge and culture, gives wings to our imaginations, and is a stimulating activity. But it’s not only about Knowledge, Vocabulary, Mental Stimulation, or other things. More importantly, it has to do with “Pleasure”.

When you read something interesting you get a kick of dopamine which makes you feel good and this drives you to read more and more. However, there are only a small proportion of people who find pleasure in reading.

The pleasure of reading is often overlooked today because it is perceived as an elite activity. This shift in perception is associated with a decline in attention spans, leading to a decrease in discussions about reading and a lack of recognition of books as sources of enjoyment. Engaging with literature can still provide immense pleasure and intellectual fulfillment, despite these cultural trends.

If you’re an avid reader, completing a book may come naturally to you. but someone who hasn’t been into reading much will find it difficult to even pick a book. If you are someone like that then in my opinion you must start with “The Alchemist” again its an opinion. This book is written in easy-to-understand language and also shares a compelling story about finding your destiny.

If you ask me “How can I read for pleasure?” then again it will go back to what I said in the beginning “Why are you reading?”. Is it for knowledge? To improve your vocabulary? Regardless of your reason, reading can be challenging at first, but with time, you will find it pleasurable. So, Start Reading Now.

Thank You So Much For Reading. If you find value in what I do, I’d really appreciate your support if you could buy me a coffee.



Syed Noorulla

A student with tremendous enthusiasm for studying the starry heavens (Astronomy) above me and the moral law (Philosophy) within me.