Why should you try everything rather than working on specialization in a single career ?

Is it really worth to work on specialization.

Kartik Nayak


(Credits-Sergey Sarychev , Behance.net)

Nowadays specialization is most trending myth. children are being taught for specialization from a little age of 2 or 3 . I could never figure out what is need of this little ones to do a specialization .

Roger Federer

(Credits-Rob Dewey, Behance.net)

Many successful personalities like Roger Federer had never worked on specialization on their career . He tried all sports like football, badminton, swimming,handball, volleyball …. And many more. After trying everything he selected tennis as his career. So basically he is a great tennis player because he have tried everything and got skills in everything he tried. So he implements this skills in tennis , which make him really great sports person.I have seen many successful personalities quiting their existing careers and becoming super successful. For example Bill Gates dropped-out Harvard for working on his idea "Microsoft". Even Mark Zuckerberg…



Kartik Nayak

Enterprenur,animefan , great fond of reading books and afcourse a Dreamer. if you like anime content -https://youtube.com/channel/UCYpyOvK-Fd1ZDuk63N7knSQ