Why should you try everything rather than working on specialization in a single career ?
Is it really worth to work on specialization.
Nowadays specialization is most trending myth. children are being taught for specialization from a little age of 2 or 3 . I could never figure out what is need of this little ones to do a specialization .
Roger Federer
Many successful personalities like Roger Federer had never worked on specialization on their career . He tried all sports like football, badminton, swimming,handball, volleyball …. And many more. After trying everything he selected tennis as his career. So basically he is a great tennis player because he have tried everything and got skills in everything he tried. So he implements this skills in tennis , which make him really great sports person.I have seen many successful personalities quiting their existing careers and becoming super successful. For example Bill Gates dropped-out Harvard for working on his idea "Microsoft". Even Mark Zuckerberg dropped-out Harvard for working on Facebook.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates was a shy and quiet boy who loved spending time in his room reading books for hours.
he grew up as an introverted and antisocial kid. In high school, his original plan was to teach math.
But that was until his friend Paul Allen convinced him to pursue career in computer programming. So Bill Gates quickly took his advice and wrote his first computer program at the age of 13. But his parents were not very happy, they had other plans for their child. They wanted him to pursue a law career
So to make his parents happy, he went to Harvard to study law. But he found himself spending more time on a computer than in class. And that was because He was really happy when he was coding and law
was not something that excited him.
So it was time for a bold move. He dropped Harvard law college and started his innovative masterpiece “Microsoft”. So his dream was to become a Lakhs teacher as he was good in mathematics. But,his friend Paul Allen convinced him to join computer programming .
So he started doing programming. But his parents wanted him to become a lawyer so he joined Harvard law college and studied law for some time and then quieted it. So he never specialized anything he just tried everything and achieved huge success.
Mark Zuckerberg
Though mark was trained in programming languages but because of his love in learning it. It was not because his parents want to make him specialist in programming languages.
He even joined Harvard and dropped-out to work on Facebook. After 12 years of his dropout he completed his degree “Doctor Of Laws”. So this people tried more than single careers. So today they are successful as well as happy.
Let's forget about earning and success. We can discover everything if we try everything. Why should you waste your life in specializing something when you got a single life? Just live everything , discover happiness in everything. Explore yourself ,who you are?
Push to your limits, find your limits. Isn’t this making you excited. I am a techy guy but don’t like sitting in-front of a screen for 9-12 hours. what is meaning of earning in lakhs if you are not protecting your eyes. I like ethical hacking (according to my family and friends I am specialist in that) but I have not specialized it. I have worked on my painting skills and results are amazing. This makes me love painting too.
I have never Dreamt of earning millions by sitting home or without efforts but I have Dreamt of spending my money earned by hard-work on traveling world. Earning money isn’t going to make your life beautiful. Spending your money wisely to live a good life is most important.
If even after reading this you are addicted to specialization then you are really not going to enjoy life as much as those who tried everything. Even there are people like ancient Indian saints who have tried everything like dancing,music, singing, martial arts , mathematics , Ayurveda and even everything you can imagine and even mastered everything (Gurukul system of education teaches every subject). am not saying you can master everything like them but you can even master 2-3 skills which is really great in today’s time.
Tiger Woods
Although there are exceptions like “Tiger Woods”. He was taught from childhood about golf. When he was 7 months old his father gave him golf stick. When he was 10 months old he started practicing golf. By the age of 21 he was world famous golf player.
All two ways work for success but trying everything is more likely to give you success because not everyone has time and resources to be taught since childhood.
So try everything and be happy 😊