Seize the day — 6 reasons why you should wake up early

Sawera Baloch
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2023
Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Remember how I said one morning, I was motivated to turn my life around and change certain things about myself?

Well, one of the things I wanted to improve about myself was waking up early.

If you haven’t read my previous article, take a moment to check it out.

To be honest, I often find motivation to do things because I romanticize life and all the mundane things in it.

The only reason I wanted to wake up early was to experience the sunrise. I realized it’s been so long since I witnessed one.

But following this habit of waking up early has made me realize how much more I was really missing out on.

Now picture this: sitting on your balcony, sipping a warm cup of tea, and holding a journal in your hands while the rest of the world is still asleep.

The thought itself brings such a sense of calm.

So if you’re thinking about waking up early but finding it difficult to get started, let me share some reasons that might motivate you.

Witnessing sunrise

Sunrises are so special because only a few are awake to see the sun come up.

It’s peaceful; being in nature is always good for your mental health and I am all for it.

You can enjoy this time of solitude with your thoughts and a cup of coffee.

Be aware in the moment

In the mornings, there is no hustle or bustle of the world.

You can truly be present in the moment, connecting with your thoughts and emotions.

I find meditation so soothing in the mornings because it keeps you grounded.

Journaling is also a great way to start a new day. You can check in with yourself before the busyness of the day takes over.

Indulge in creativity

This is a game-changer and I swear by it.

Research has shown that our minds are less preoccupied in the morning, making it an ideal time for creative energy to flow. So, if you have any creative outlets, dive into them during this time.

I’ve found writing to feel so effortless and natural in the mornings. Give it a shot and let me know if you feel the same!

Energize your body

We all know that exercise is great for our overall physical and mental health.

You don’t need to commit to a 30-minute heavy workout session; even simple activities like yoga, some morning stretches to loosen up the knots in your muscles, or going for a walk can do wonders for your body.

It not only refreshes one’s mind but also boosts endorphins, metabolism, and energy levels.

Don’t skip breakfast

Most of the time we skip breakfast or rush through it to avoid getting late to school or work that we don’t give time for our bodies to fuel up.

But studies show that having breakfast can greatly improve cognitive skills like memory and attention.

So when you wake up earlier than you have to, you won’t feel rushed and give yourself time to enjoy your first meal of the day.

Crush your goals

Have you ever felt like the day slips away too quickly, leaving you with a never-ending to-do list?

Well, it’s because your day starts late. Waking up early gives you a head start on your goals.

You’ll have more time to focus on tasks that require more effort or attention.

Once, they are out of the way, everything else will follow smoothly.

Final thoughts

I know it’s not easy to wake up early but trust me, it’s worth it.

There’s so much you can do and experience when you seize the early hours and prioritize the things that truly matter to you.

So, go ahead, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and seize the day!

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Sawera Baloch

Medical Student, Writer. I write about Mental Health and my own journey through it.