Why Starting Small is Your Best Guarantee for Success

A minor mental shift that will get you results

Nate Sanna


Photo by Rahul Pandit

We’ve all been there.

You get excited about a new idea. A project, a new career, a skill you want to get good at. You hear about or witness others succeeding at it and start to dream big about where this new path will take you.

But after a few days, maybe weeks of trying it out, you lose focus, lose desire, and just give up before you’ve really set off. And this happens over and over again with many things you decide to pursue.

I’ve joined and quit gyms multiple times. I’ve picked up and given up on the guitar more times than I can count. I’ve decided to learn new IT skills many times, before getting ‘too busy’ with other stuff to actually get anywhere.

The struggle is real. And very common.

But the underlying problem has not so much to do with a lack of talent, motivation, or hard work, as it does with the expectations and goals you set yourself at the outset.

Don’t look at the mountain

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” -Robert Louis Stevenson



Nate Sanna

I write about tech, love, life and whatever else I'm learning