Why Steph Curry Is the Best Role Model

Learn about success and balance from the NBA’s best

Hyrum Bradshaw


Photo by Guido Coppa on Unsplash

Just five short years ago, Steph Curry was on top of the world. He was a back-to-back MVP and he had was winning titles year after year.

His jerseys were selling like hotcakes. It seemed like every fifth grader in the country had a Warriors #30 jersey. Not only that, but kids everywhere tried to emulate him. Every game Steph played was on national TV. He was a household name and his stats were well known everywhere.

Steph was changing the game of basketball and growing his international influence. But now, Stephen Curry is almost forgotten. Why the step down when his statistics this year are nearly the same?

There needs to be a renewal of interest in the Warriors’ star guard, but not from a basketball perspective. We need to look at his whole life, because Steph really has it figured out. He has been able to achieve in every area of his life.

Everyone talks about Elon Musk’s variety — how he’s the next Leonardo da Vinci. Steph is the best example of variety, because he does so many different things at an incredibly high level.

Here’s a look at his success in every endeavor he undertakes. We can understand what Steph Curry is actually doing and how we can emulate his…



Hyrum Bradshaw

Writing, physics, blockchain, tech, politics, learning, and more.