Why the Hell Unvaxxed Sperm Is the Next Bitcoin?

Why Memes Are The New Advertising and Promotive Tools?

Krishna V Chaudhary
4 min readFeb 6, 2022


Image Source- futurism

I hope everyone must have seen the ongoing movement about Anti-Vaccination.
Let me explain why the slogans are rising about it every day.

According to the CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) studies, unvaccinated people are more vulnerable to Covid-19 than vaccinated. But there is a new trend these days where people are divided into two communities one is vaccinated, and another is unvaccinated. Alone in the USA, 93 million people chose not to get immunized while enough doses were available.

This unvaxxed community claims themselves "VAXCLUDED": workers who do not want to be inoculated and are irritated by the ostracism.

So the debate between anti vaxxed and vaxxed reached the point that it has become a cryptocurrency called "Unvaxxed Sperm." This means that vaccines affect the human sperm, and while the unvaxxed sperm will be helpful in the future one day.

Developers of the new Cryptocurrency

As per VICE News, when they ask to one of the developers, Jason, behind the new cryptocurrency called Unvaxxed Sperm, who only provided his first name, even for the asking denied the last name claimed: "here to ensure the continuity of objective scientific inquiry and the freedom of discourse."

But when another developer who did not reveal his identity and goes by the name "Fauci," said: "To a degree, I'd say we are anti-vaccine."

Photo by André François McKenzie on Unsplash

The Cryptocurrency "nuBTC"-

When I accessed their official web portal, I did not find anything authentic which supported their claim. Instead, it is more of a cryptocurrency website now.
One of my friends told me about this web portal before they used to ask, "Are you vaccinated" — If you say yes, then there will be no access to the website.

It again looks like propaganda about how the anti-vaccines investors created the cryptocurrency they will earn. Still, they cannot give any scientific research and proof to the public to educate whether they are correct or not?

They have some newsagency links they share and connect those links to their propaganda of how the majority of the public doesn't need covid vaccines.

Even developers have already promised that they will enrich their investors. They have an extended plan for unvaxxed communities such as "Pure Blood," for Tinder, the cryogenically frozen unvaccinated sperm that will be called "Project Super Sperm."

As they say the tagline "Unvaxxed Sperm Is the Next Bitcoin" is a "memeable" which can get viral easily and will attract more and more to their community.

Image Source- Twitter

The developers of this new "nuBTC" say they are inspired by the success of the cryptocurrency "Let's Go Brandon" that recently gained success. Developers have the plan to set this cryptocurrency as a new Bitcoin. That's why the protestors were holding the signboards that say "Unvaxxed Sperm is the new Bitcoin."


Memes are always surprising that memes can't be underestimated now. They are most WhatsApp's fast-forwarded and shared on Facebook. People enjoy them because they don't take much time and get surprised by what they hadn't thought about.

Image Source- imgflip.com

The stupidity such as "Pure Blood"

Image Source- DailyKos

It might seem to listen somewhere yes, in the second world war Adolf Hitler used a term called "Pure Aryan Race."

So as far as the concern about humanity, these terms should be banned, or people shouldn't use them. But unfortunately, it is being used now. Adolf Hitler made Germans feel that superiority world, and again this is introduced.

World Health Organisation

Many studies have shown that there is still no side-effect to the Human sperm count or quality.

Specifically, WHO's chief scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan had to address the misinformation about vaccines and fertility;
"There is absolutely no scientific evidence or truth behind this concern that vaccines somehow interfere with infertility either in men or women. Because vaccines stimulate an immune response against the particular protein or antigen of that virus, in this case, Covid vaccines stimulate the antibody response. There is no way in which they could interfere with the functioning of the reproductive organs in either men or women."

Note- Yes, one thing is for sure this crypto culture had allowed many scams, which are traceable later.


  1. vice.com/en/article/n7nn87/unvaxxed-sperm-coin-spreading-covid-disinformation
  2. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2781360



Krishna V Chaudhary

10M+ Views | History Writer | 4x Top Writer | Quality over Quantity | Contact me: chaudharikrishna1@yahoo.com