Why the Potential for Extraterrestrials Should Help You Sleep Better

3 reasons you want ETs to exist.

K. Lynn
5 min readMay 20, 2021


All this recent publicity on UFOs has got me in an ET mood. Did you catch the recent 60 minutes episode that’s all the rage now?

If I had seen this 20 years ago, I would have seized up in terror. I used to be petrified of anything having to do with UFOs or extraterrestrials.

My family watched Unsolved Mysteries when I was growing up. Do you remember that show? It was designed to scare the crap out of any young person. The announcer always walked through dimly lit rooms and spoke in hushed and very serious tones while eerie music played in the background. Anything he talked about sounded like a nightmare.

He sometimes showcased crop circles, UFO sightings, and alien abductions. When he did, it surely instilled in me the gloom and doom for all things ET. Not even our lovable Spielberg rendition of an alien sitting in a bike basket could convince me otherwise. My mind had been made up: ETs were scary, cruel beings out to harm humans.

Now that I’m older, and hopefully growing wiser, I’ve decided to look at this from a different perspective.

Here are three reasons I’m starting to think the existence of ETs might not be such a bad thing.

1) Humans Need Mentors

We have to stop acting like humans are the greatest of all species that can possibly exist in the universe. I don’t feel like I must explain why, since I know you are all intelligent people. But I want us to be on the same page. So, here’s a very small list of human behavior that I believe indicates we are not living up to our fullest potential as a species:

  • War
  • Abuse
  • Hate
  • Greed

Are we all in agreement now? Exactly — these behaviors listed above are not indicative of the most highly advanced of species. Humans, this means we still have work to do.

Why do ETs have a bad rap?

People, myself included, love to anthropomorphize everything — including potential species from other planets and galaxies. The most common way we do this is by immediately jumping to the conclusion that UFOs are filled with an ET species that is most likely malicious and is definitely hellbent on destruction or take-over.

But what does that description sound like to you: an ET for whom we know nothing about (except that they have a way to create more advanced technology than us) or behavior consistent with humans throughout history?

To me, it sounds like a human describing human behavior, like racism and white supremacy, here on Earth. Humans have an undeniable history of cruelty — being manipulative, dominating, controlling, and destructive.

Here’s my new way of looking at this— if humans are clearly destructive beings who cannot seem to get out of that cycle, perhaps a more highly advanced species is precisely more advanced because they were able to evolve out of this type of behavior. Or maybe they never dealt with this behavior before because they’re more perfect than us?

Perhaps a more advanced species is exactly what we need to get ourselves on the right track: mentors, if you will, who can see beyond our limited, short-sighted human view and guide us to a new way of living in harmony.

2) ETs Might Be Really, Really Kind Beings

Let’s keep going on the anthropomorphizing train. If we are going to talk about potential ETs in human terms (when they are clearly non-human), why do we automatically assume they are evil?

Let’s go the other route instead: let’s focus on the potential for positives.

I understand how the horrible, evil ET thing has evolved. First, the pictures don’t help: poor things never had a chance with those huge google eyes and the biggest heads of all time.

Photo by Brooke Denevan on Unsplash

Plus, there were documented eyewitness accounts of people being abducted by UFOs and taken on for poking and prodding by ETs. (Which, I’d like to point out, is exactly what humans do to species we consider to be of lower status than us — birds, bears, wolves, etc — to learn more about them).

All of this amounted to an incredible fear of ETs and the belief that they’re horrible, terrible beings to be feared because they are out to get us.

But no one ever looks at the better side of things.

I remember meeting a man many years ago who had supposedly been repeatedly abducted by ETs and had different things to say about them: that they were benevolent, psychic, and highly advanced — and looked like larger humans with a glowing light around them.

He made it sound like they wanted to help humans because they could see us struggling! (If you need help remembering why humans are struggling, I will ask you to please refer to the above list in #1 again.)

So — if ETs exist at all — what if they aren’t evil? What if they are actually extremely kind and loving? Let’s focus on that for a change.

3) We Need All The Help We Can Get To Save Our Planet

Let’s not sugarcoat this: humans are killing Earth.

The vast majority of us are terrible stewards of this amazing planet. We are warming our planet into potential oblivion. And we aren’t getting out of it with the rapidity that scientists believe is necessary to stop imminent and irreparable destruction.

This has helped me change my thought process about potential extraterrestrial lifeforms.

What if they are coming here to help us not burn in an inferno?

What if they could provide some technology or more advanced ways of living to bring back harmony and balance — in the blink of an eye?!

Why would we deny help and assistance, even if it came from a previously unknown species?

I’d say that, if there was ever a time in human history that we needed someone with more knowledge and advanced ways of thinking and problem solving to drop out of the sky and lend a hand, now is that time.

We need all the help we can get to re-route the dangerous course we’ve put ourselves on.

These are the reasons that maybe, just maybe, the possible existence of an extraterrestrial species from another planet or galaxy should be helping you sleep better at night — rather than keeping you up in fear and terror.

Sleep tight Earthlings!



K. Lynn

Proud earthling. Here to remind humans of their innate power as part of this planet. I believe in a better future together. Let the ideas speak for themselves.