Why a Bad Weather Affects Our Mood

Seasonal Affective Disorder, Explained.

Dr. Ojuolape Kuti


Sketch by author

Rainy days can suck.

Especially if it’s not the kind that makes you want to snuggle up, cozy, with a good book/movie and maybe even a someone.

But generally, gloomy weather tends to colour our moods.

It’s the way a bright blue sky, sunlight peeking through, makes me so happy as though I was colour-blind in another life.

Perhaps, jokingly, once or twice, I’ve wondered if people dealing with a cooler climate are more temperate.

But is this scientific? Does the weather alter our moods? And if it does, what can we do about it?

First things first.

What is a mood? What mediates it? And what affects it?

Sketch by author

Although hard to define, the mood is generally a subjective, long-lasting (when compared to fleeting emotions) and non-specific feeling.

There are different factors that affect our moods – sleep, diet, environment.

Of the brain chemical involved in modulating moods, the most notable is serotonin



Dr. Ojuolape Kuti

doctor & writer. an introvert lost in thought, exploring psychology and philosophy.