Why We All Should Write About Werewolves

Haley Hougardy
Published in
5 min readMay 1, 2023

I’m approached by recruiters all the time. Still, you can imagine my surprise when I was approached to write for an interactive gaming application. While I have no fiction writing experience on my resume, I did write fanfiction in high school, so I wanted to see where this opportunity would lead.

The writing assignment for the app was an unusual challenge; they asked me to create a piece about a werewolf CEO. Yep — not any old regular werewolf: a werewolf CEO of a major conglomerate. The whole experience was laughable, and I was just having fun with the entire thing. I wasn’t expecting a job offer, but I got one! While I didn’t accept the offer, the whole process made me realize why I fell in love with writing in the first place. It’s a weird relationship, but love isn’t rational, right?

With its quirks and unconventional tropes, this type of fiction writing helped me realize my imagination had been stifled, and I've been struggling with creativity for an extended period of time.

Don’t get me wrong — writing about something as silly as a werewolf CEO is not exceptional or groundbreaking. Still, it allowed me to experiment with different genres and styles, infusing much-needed creativity into my technical work. It reminded me of why I fell in love with writing in the first place and reignited my passion for storytelling.

So, to my fellow technical writers, I urge you to consider the benefits of exploring unconventional writing styles. Stepping out of your comfort zone can rekindle your love for writing, enhance your skills, and open up new possibilities for creativity. Embrace the unexpected; now, let’s dive into the benefits.

Close-up portrait of werewolf wearing a suit and tie.
AI-generated image from DALL-E; Image created by AI behind a digital wall.

Benefit 1

Quirky fanfiction tropes allow writers to experiment with different characters, genres, and ideas in a low-stakes environment. Even as a technical writer, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone to engage in silly fanfiction tropes forces you to think out of the box.

Think of it this way: writing from a unique perspective can help you simplify complex topics for non-experts.

Using humor can also help make the technical information more engaging. For instance, imagine you’re reading through an empirical article on the health benefits of quinoa. To write for a non-expert audience, breaking down complex jargon and using more straightforward language is essential. By simplifying academic language, we can effectively communicate and make ideas accessible. Hey, one way to get this done is by... using analogies, avoiding technical terms where possible, and focusing on the key takeaways rather than getting bogged down in the details.

However, as most writers know, this is easier said than done, so you can challenge yourself with fiction writing activities during brainstorming to get imaginative. Try this: get a centaur explaining quinoa’s health benefits to a human love interest. Obviously, your centaur would not be the narrator in your finalized piece, but this creative exercise can help you find ways to make your writing more engaging. Add humor and creativity to your prewriting process and challenge yourself to communicate differently than you’re used to.

Exercises like these allow you to develop the skill of adapting your writing style to different audiences and contexts, which can be valuable in professional writing, where you must convey complex information to diverse audiences with varying levels of technical knowledge. It also encourages you to explore unconventional ways of presenting information, pushing the boundaries of traditional technical writing and helping you develop a unique writing voice that sets you apart from other writers. Believe it or not, incorporating quirky fanfiction tropes into your writing practice can enhance your creativity, versatility, and ability to effectively communicate technical information in various contexts.

Incorporating fanfiction into your practice can equip you with various skills to develop engaging technical content. By understanding the characters, storylines, and dynamics of fandom or genre, you can learn how to capture your audience’s attention and apply storytelling techniques to make complex information easier to digest. With its limitless potential for creativity and skill development opportunities, it is one of the best tools for writers looking for unique ways to hone their craft.

Benefit 2

In addition to the advantages of experimenting with different writing styles, writing with fan fiction tropes can also significantly improve your vocabulary choice, sentence fluency, and overall writing skills. When you’re pushed to write in a different genre than what you’re used to, it challenges you to think critically about communicating information effectively in new and creative ways. You may need to use different tones, styles, and language choices to suit the specific fandom or genre you’re writing in, which can expand your vocabulary and help you develop a more nuanced understanding of language.

As you strive to capture the voices and mannerisms of established characters or create unique ones, you learn to craft sentences that flow smoothly, convey meaning clearly, and engage readers. Furthermore, writing fanfiction encourages you to refine your sentence fluency regularly. This enduring practice can make you more proficient in constructing compelling narratives with vivid descriptions of technical information.

Moreover, these creative exercises in fiction writing can help prevent writer’s block by providing you with a limitless playground for ideas and inspiration. Not only is storytelling a creative outlet, but it can also boost your mental agility. When crafting a story, you must think on your feet and develop new and imaginative plot twists, character interactions, and story arcs. Even when given seemingly dull information, you must find a way to make it exciting and engaging for your audience. This can boost your problem-solving skills, which can be valuable in writing and communication.

As a technical writer, fiction writing can be an enjoyable and effective way to improve your vocabulary, enhance your sentence fluency, and hone your writing skills. It encourages creativity, prevents writer’s block, and sharpens your mental agility, making it a beneficial practice for any writer looking to grow.

Summing up

Who knew writing werewolf fanfiction would lead me to discover the invaluable benefits of creative expression? Whether you’re a technical writer or a beginner, storytelling can enhance your writing skills and mental agility. Exploring bizarre tropes and immersing yourself in fictional worlds can expand your language and creativity in ways you never thought possible. So, if you’re looking to grow as a writer, embrace the power of fiction writing — you might surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

Portrait of werewolf, wasit up, wearing a suit and tie.
AI-generated image from Writesonic’s Photosonic; Image created by AI behind a digital wall.



Haley Hougardy

Writer @ mhanational.org + ex-writing instructor. Here to discuss writing/mental health in digestible ways.