Why We Can’t Be Happy All The Time

And why that’s important

Bandoro Gunarso


I once had a goal, I wanted to be happy all the time. The fact that science has no boundaries allowed me to think of that.

So I dug, deeply.

I delved into books written by the best experts, reflected my thoughts, observed emotions in me and those around me. Well, it has been two years now, so here’s the conclusion I’ve got:

“I was a freakin fool”

The human brain is not designed for long-lasting happiness. Not because it wouldn’t be lovely to be in rainbow all the time — but simply because that’s not how the universe works.

Nature doesn’t give a shit about what you desire. It only cares whether those desires are beneficial or not for your survival and reproduction.

Emotional responses — namely anxiety, shame, or happiness — these aren’t supposed to be the end means in itself, but rather the tools to help our ancestors adapt better to their environment. The better they adapted, the better they survived and replicated their genes to the current generation.

This brings us to the field of evolutionary psychology — the branch of knowledge that is crucial to understand our unhappy nature. And as you might intuitively know, understanding the root of our…



Bandoro Gunarso

Medical Doctor | Data Scientist, from Indonesia. Human behaviour and Well-being enthusiast.