Why We Do Bad Things…

Steve C
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2022


…the short answer is it is our nature.

Photo by Milo Weiler on Unsplash

As a race, humankind is hard-wired to survive. It is what all living organisms at their most fundamental level are compelled to do.

To survive one must eat, drink, breathe, and ultimately procreate. The source for these necessities, including procreation, are resources. These resources are in limited supply. As a result, competition ensues.

One cannot compete passively. Competition is by nature active, intense, and often aggressive in that with competition one seeks to gain an advantage over their foes.

This aggressive nature is kept in check by virtue of our community standards, rules, policies, morals, and ethics. In the absence of such societal standards the result at a micro-level is small conflict (often easily resolved), and crime (resolved by society via the rule of law). At a macro-level war and chaos result when the inflection point between the innate drive to survive and availability of limited resources intersect on a large scale.

Homo Homini Lupus (Man is a Wolf to Man)…“reveals men as savage beasts to whom the thought of sparing their own kind is alien.” -Sigmund Freud. (Man is a Wolf to Man — Steve C — Medium)



Steve C

This 2 Shall Pass. Maturing and Still Learning After All These Years.