Why we must be nice to everyone around us

Udit Gupta
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2020

Spreading happiness with simple acts can make someone’s day

We are all surrounded by people. People that we know of, are best friends with and some that we do not wish to see very often. But it is a matter of the fact that everyone has their own lives and everyone has some difficulty or the other at some point in their lives. We must be kind and considerate to everyone. We may not be aware of the tragedy that many people are facing, and if we can make their day by saying something nice or holding the door for them — it will go a long way.

In a world of criticism and harshness, the joys of simple acts are overlooked. People roll their eyes when someone doesn’t hold the door or doesn’t say thank you. Even though it is minor, there is an expectation that we all have from our community. We have a duty to our community that we should all be responsible for. One of these duties is being nice and considerate to people regardless of how they portray themselves. People conceal many disabilities. to avoid stares and social stigmas. It is our responsibility that we make everyone feel welcome and desired in our society regardless of their race, medical status, age or gender. The earth is a home for all of us.

I have faced countless insults and comments from people regarding my body. I was diagnosed with a kidney condition when I was two which caused me to put on weight. My friends made fun of me for being overweight while not realising that I was suffering from a medical condition. As a doctor to be, I understand what it means to be treated unequally, and I would like to pioneer a change in the world. It is crucial that we realise people’s lives and difficulties and appreciates everyone around us, whether this a small compliment or holding the lift — everything counts.



Udit Gupta

Medical student | Future doctor | Writer for ILLUMINATION | Passionate about writing | I want to make the world a better place.