Why We Need More Women Founders On Offense

Kate Burton, MD
Published in
9 min readNov 5, 2023
It starts with one voice, one action at a time. Credits: Canva pro images

I had the honor of being invited to speak at the Annual Women in Business Summit, an event that aimed to celebrate and empower women entrepreneurs.

The current state of female entrepreneurs in business saddened me.

It was truly inspiring to witness the success stories of women who challenged norms and achieved remarkable accomplishments on their own terms.

However, it was disheartening to see the persisting gender gap and the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in accessing funding, opportunities, and recognition. Nevertheless, armed with facts, personal experiences, and an unwavering passion for change, I eagerly prepared my speech to shed light on these issues and rally support for an entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Waves of entrepreneurship.

On one hand, we are witnessing a rise in the number of women launching their ventures, disrupting industries, and achieving remarkable success. This wave of entrepreneurship brings diversity and innovation into the business world, challenging norms while paving the way for future generations of aspiring female founders.

However, despite these strides, there is still much ground left to cover. Female entrepreneurs continue to face obstacles such as access to funding and resources compared to their male counterparts. The gender gap remains prevalent when it comes to venture capital funding since only a fraction goes towards businesses led by women.

This inequality not only hampers growth but also limits potential economic opportunities on a larger scale.

To bridge this divide and build ecosystems, it is crucial for both organizations and individuals to actively support aspiring female founders. By providing mentorship programs, networking opportunities, financial assistance, and advocating for policy changes that promote equality in entrepreneurship, we can empower women to take control of their futures and reshape the business landscape for the benefit of everyone. It’s time to transition from a stance to one when it comes to supporting women entrepreneurs, because when they succeed, we all thrive together.

Overcoming challenges.

Female entrepreneurs bring a range of perspectives to the table, but research has consistently shown that companies led by women tend to outperform their counterparts financially.

According to a report from McKinsey, companies with female leaders experienced a remarkable 95% higher return on equity compared to those without. This indicates that including women in leadership positions can foster innovation and drive financial outcomes.

My personal experience working alongside a team of female leaders has been truly transformative.

The infusion of perspectives and diverse backgrounds has breathed life into our organization, propelling us toward unprecedented levels of innovation.

Each woman on our team brings her own set of skills and ideas, creating an environment where creativity flourishes and collaboration thrives.

Through their leadership abilities, they have not only shattered glass ceilings but also ignited a passion within all team members to push boundaries and embrace change fearlessly. As a result, our financial performance has significantly improved, solidifying the importance of empowering women in leadership roles for success.

Moreover, having more female founders can play a role in addressing the biases and inequalities prevalent in the startup ecosystem.

Women entrepreneurs often encounter challenges and barriers when launching their businesses, such as limited access to funding opportunities and mentorship programs.

By promoting the presence of women entrepreneurs, we can establish a business environment that’s fair and inclusive, providing equal chances for success for everyone. Furthermore, having representation in leadership roles can serve as inspiration for young girls and women, motivating them to pursue careers in entrepreneurship. Witnessing successful female founders shatter boundaries and overcome challenges sends a message that no aspirations are impossible. By fostering diversity within the realm, we can initiate a series of transformations and lay the groundwork for a future that is more just and equal.

Discrimination and biases.

I still vividly recall the day I made the decision to embark on my journey, fueled by determination and a burning passion. Being a woman, I was well aware of the obstacles that awaited me in this male-driven industry. Armed with courage and unwavering belief, I refused to let societal norms define my worth.

Every setback and challenge that came my way only strengthened me as I drew inspiration from the women who fought for equality.

Through these experiences, I have realized the power we possess as entrepreneurs — transforming barriers into stepping stones towards our dreams.

One of the challenges we face is limited access to funding and venture capital. Recent reports indicate that only a small fraction of investments are directed towards women-led startups. This disparity not only hampers our ability to grow our businesses but also perpetuates the existing gender gap in success.

Striking a balance between work and family life is another challenge that women entrepreneurs face. Society still places a burden on women when it comes to caregiving responsibilities, which can impede their ability to dedicate time and energy to their businesses.

This challenge becomes more complex due to expectations and stereotypes that give more importance to traditional gender roles, potentially undermining or disregarding women’s professional aspirations. Additionally, women entrepreneurs frequently encounter discrimination and bias within the industry itself.

They often face the need to overcome notions about their abilities and capabilities compared to their male counterparts. This bias can manifest in various ways.

Such as investors doubting a woman’s leadership skills or technical expertise or potential customers questioning her knowledge or qualifications. These obstacles do not diminish women’s self-assurance. Also create barriers as they strive for success.

Supporting female entrepreneurs.

I nervously stood at the entrance of the conference hall, tightly gripping my business proposal. This was my first time attending an event dedicated to empowering female entrepreneurs.

I had high hopes of finding a mentor who could offer guidance on this challenging journey.

The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as accomplished women from diverse fields took the stage to share their stories.

As I mingled with attendees during networking sessions, I felt a surge of inspiration and motivation that pushed me to form connections with like-minded individuals. At that moment, it dawned on me how tailored mentorship and networking opportunities are for helping female entrepreneurs unleash their potential.

One crucial step towards encouraging and supporting women entrepreneurs is to create mentorship and networking programs specifically designed for them. Women often face obstacles when starting and growing their businesses, including gender bias, a lack of representation, and limited access to capital.

By connecting them with mentors who have successfully navigated these challenges themselves, women entrepreneurs can gain guidance and advice that will assist them in overcoming hurdles and accomplishing their goals.

Furthermore, it is essential to provide targeted resources for women entrepreneurs. Accessing funding is frequently one of the barriers faced by business owners, as they may encounter more difficulties than men in obtaining traditional loans or investments.

Creating funding initiatives aimed specifically at supporting women-led ventures can help close this gap. These initiatives can provide grants, low-interest loans, or opportunities for equity investment that cater to the needs of founders.

By doing so, it not only levels the playing field but also encourages more women to pursue entrepreneurship, knowing that there is financial support available.

Additionally, fostering a culture that values and promotes diversity in business leadership can have an impact on inspiring and empowering women entrepreneurs. Companies should actively challenge gender biases within their organizations by promoting opportunities for advancement and ensuring voices are represented at all levels.

I think that by emphasizing the importance of diversity in leadership, it not only opens doors for aspiring entrepreneurs but also leads to increased creativity, innovation, and better decision-making within companies as a whole.

Success stories.

I spent some time at my desk going through the news articles about women entrepreneurs who are making an impact. It was truly inspiring to witness how they fearlessly shattered barriers and achieved success in our changing business world.

Whether it’s in the tech startup scene or the fashion industry, these extraordinary trailblazers seem unstoppable. As a woman with dreams of launching my company someday, their stories fuel my determination even more. Each article I read empowers me. Motivates me to pursue my path towards entrepreneurial greatness.

One shining example is Reshma Saujani, the mind behind Girls Who Code. Saujani identified the gender gap in technology. She took it upon herself to address this issue head-on. Through her organization, she has empowered thousands of girls to pursue careers in technology, boosting their confidence and equipping them with skills.

Another incredible success story that stands out is that of Katrina Lake, the founder and CEO of Stitch Fix.

By developing a data-driven platform that completely transformed how people shop for clothes, Lake upended the status quo in a sector like retail where men have historically dominated. With her innovative approach, combining algorithms and human expertise, she has built an empire worth billions of dollars.

These stories showcase the talent and vision that female entrepreneurs possess, as well as their capacity to make a significant impact across different industries.

By honoring these accomplishments and motivating women to step up as leaders, we can pave the way for a future where innovation thrives through diversity, benefiting society at large.

The future of female entrepreneurship.

Since I was young, I’ve always been captivated by what lies ahead. Particularly, I’ve been dreaming about the possibilities for women in the world of entrepreneurship, an area that has traditionally been dominated by men.

The seeds of curiosity and ambition were planted within me at an early age. Now, standing on the brink of this era, I feel a surge of excitement and determination to create my path in this bold new world.

I firmly believe that there are opportunities for entrepreneurs as we break through barriers and rewrite history.

I stated earlier that we are witnessing a transformation in the landscape as more women step into leadership positions and take charge of their businesses.

However, there is still work to be done to ensure that this transformation continues to thrive and expand.

One intriguing aspect to consider regarding the future of women in entrepreneurship is the impact of technology. With advancements in tools and platforms, starting one’s business and reaching a global audience have become more accessible than ever before for women.

Technology has leveled the playing field, providing opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs who may not have had access to resources or networks.

For me, another perspective worth exploring is the power of collaboration among women entrepreneurs.

By joining forces and supporting each other’s endeavors, they can establish a network that encourages growth and achievement. This spirit of collaboration goes beyond businesses; it can also spark action and drive transformation in industries traditionally dominated by men.

The future of women in entrepreneurship holds potential. Through technology-driven opportunities and collaborative initiatives, we are witnessing an exhilarating shift that enables women to redefine business dynamics.

As more women assume leadership positions and contribute their perspectives, our society will undoubtedly reap the benefits of their innovation, resilience, and determination. It is time for more female founders to take the stage as they shape the entrepreneurial landscape with brilliance and grace.

Creating a fair playing field.

In Florida, a movement was brewing. A group of women refused to let societal limitations confine them. Their mission went beyond achieving gender equality or fulfilling diversity quotas; it was about reshaping the landscape of entrepreneurship.

These visionary women understood that empowering founders meant unlocking a wealth of perspectives, fresh ideas, and untapped potential for the betterment of all.

They firmly believed that true progress could only be achieved by breaking barriers, challenging stereotypes, and creating an ecosystem where every woman could confidently pursue her dreams without limitations. United by a purpose, they fearlessly forged ahead towards a future where success knew no boundaries or labels.

Empowering women as founders goes beyond gender equality or checking off diversity requirements. It’s about embracing the potential and unique perspectives that women bring to the table. By providing opportunities for women to lead and make decisions, we foster innovation. Drive growth.

Throughout history, women have faced barriers and societal expectations that have hindered their involvement in entrepreneurship.

By dismantling these barriers and creating a playing field, we open doors to ideas and solutions. Extensive research has demonstrated that companies with strong leadership teams tend to outperform those lacking diversity.

It’s not a matter of chance. When there are perspectives in charge, it leads to more thoughtful decision-making and the ability to adapt in a constantly evolving market.

Moreover, empowering women as founders goes beyond the benefits for their businesses; it has a positive impact on society as a whole.

Women entrepreneurs often prioritize making an impact alongside profitability, addressing issues like healthcare inequality, educational gaps, and environmental sustainability.

By supporting businesses led by women, we can bring about change in our communities while also enjoying the benefits of their drive.



Kate Burton, MD

I’m Kate, a doc and an audiobook narrator. Cat mama. Health/beauty. Got an audiobook project? Shoot me a text! 502-286-6346