Why We Need to End Social Media Censorship

Brian Lamacraft
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2020


Photo by Fred Kearney on Unsplash

Over the course of several years, social media has grown by leaps and bounds. Millions of people worldwide use social media to communicate with other people. We use these sites on a daily basis. Some people can’t get through the day without using social media. Most websites have links to please sites, and we treat them as second nature.

This form of communication is here to stay. We all like going on these sites and discussing issues with other people. Often, these sites are the first places that we get news stories. We go there to read up on the latest celebrity gossip, weather, Sports, and other things that are going on in our world. One of the main problems with social media now is that censorship is starting to take hold of these sites. Here is why we need to end social media censorship and why it is such a harmful thing.

Sites are Free to Post What They Want

First off, I would like to say that social media sites can post whatever they want. The owners of the site can decide the material that they want to put on their site. There really is nothing that we can do as individuals to stop a social media site from censoring content. On the other hand, it doesn’t make this right.

If sites are going to censor content, then perhaps in the future, they will be censoring…



Brian Lamacraft

Brian is an online writer and blogger. In his spare time, he plays guitar and goes camping.